OAR 736-040-0072
Middle Deschutes River Scenic Waterway


North Bend River Community Area:


From Sawyer Park at approximately river mile 164 to the northern Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Bend at approximately river mile 161, the river is classified North Bend River Community Area;


Within this area, all new structures, improvements and development shall be in compliance with the Land Management rules as described in OAR 736-040-0035 (Rules of Land Management) and 736-040-0040 (Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof)(1)(f), and be consistent with applicable City of Bend and Deschutes County land use and development regulations. Improvements needed for public recreation use or resource protection shall be designed to blend with the natural character of the landscape.


Crooked River Ranch River Community Area 1:


From approximately river mile 129.9 to 131.5, the residential building lots #1 — 50 within Phase 5 of the Crooked River Ranch subdivision as specified on the Plat Map recorded November 1973, in book 2, Pages 253-258, in the Deschutes County Clerk’s Office, the river is classified Crooked River Ranch Community Area 1;


Within this area, all new structures, improvements and development shall be in compliance with the Land Management rules as described in OAR 736-040-0035 (Rules of Land Management) and 736-040-0040 (Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof)(1)(f), and be consistent with applicable Deschutes County land use and development regulations. There will be no further partitioning of designated Community Areas for residential development. Improvements needed for public recreation use or resource protection shall be designed to blend with the natural character of the landscape.


Crooked River Ranch River Community Area 2:


From approximately river mile 124.3 to 125.25, the residential building lots #1 — 107 within Phase 12 of the Crooked River Ranch subdivision as specified on the Plat Map recorded June 1978, in book 12, Page 582, in the Jefferson County Clerk’s Office; the river is classified Crooked River Ranch River Community Area 2;


Within this area, all new structures, improvements and development shall be in compliance with the Land Management rules as described in OAR 736-040-0035 (Rules of Land Management) and 736-040-0040 (Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof)(1)(f), and be consistent with applicable Jefferson County land use and development regulations. There will be no further petitioning of designated Community Areas for residential development. Improvements needed for public recreation use or resource protection shall be designed to blend with the natural character of the landscape.


Recreational River Area:


From the northern Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Bend at approximately river mile 161 downstream to Tumalo State Park at approximately river mile 158, the river is classified Recreational River Area;


Within this area, all new structures, improvements and development shall comply with the Land Management rules as described in OAR 736-040-0035 (Rules of Land Management) and 736-040-0040 (Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof)(1)(c)(B), and be consistent with applicable Deschutes County land use and development regulations:


New structures and improvements shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from the ordinary high water line of the river. A set back of 20 feet or more is required from the edge of the rim rock (where this feature exists). The Department shall determine the exact distance for the above setbacks on a case-by-case basis, dependent on existing terrain, existing vegetation, height of proposed structure, and applicable county setback requirements;


New structures shall be finished in colors and tones that blend with the surrounding landscape. For the purpose of this rule, landscape includes indigenous vegetation, soils and rock material. Natural evergreen vegetation will be maintained between the structures and the river. The establishment of additional vegetative screening (preferably native vegetation) may be required to further mitigate the visual impact of the structure as seen from the river;


Roads, mines and similar forms of development shall be set back from the river consistent with County zoning and land development requirements and be screened from view from the river by topography or by existing or established evergreen vegetation;


Improvements needed for public recreation use or resource protection shall be designed to blend with the natural character of the landscape.


Scenic River Area:


From Deschutes Market Road at approximately river mile 157 downstream to the south boundary of the Wilderness Study Area at approximately river mile 131, excluding the Cline Falls Dam and powerhouse section between the State Highway 126 Bridge and river mile 144 and the Crooked River Ranch River Community Area, the river is classified Scenic River Area;


Within this area all new structures, improvements and development will comply with the Land Management rules as described in OAR 736-040-0035 (Rules of Land Management) and 736-040-0040 (Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof)(1)(b)(B) and be consistent with applicable Deschutes County land use and development regulations:


New structures and improvements shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from the ordinary high water line of the river. A set back of 20 feet or more is required from the edge of the rim rock (where this feature exists). The Department will determine the exact distance for the above setbacks on a case-by-case basis dependent on existing terrain, existing vegetation, height of proposed structure, and applicable county setback requirements;


New structures shall be finished in colors and tones that blend with the surrounding landscape. For the purposes of this rule, landscape includes indigenous vegetation, soils, and rock material. Natural evergreen vegetation shall be maintained between the improvements and the river. The establishment of additional vegetative screening (preferably native vegetation) may be required to further mitigate the visual impact of the structure as seen from the river;


Roads, mines and similar forms of development shall be screened from view from the river by topography. Within this area no new roads or mines shall be allowed below the canyon rim;


Improvements needed for public recreation use or resource protection shall be designed to blend with the natural character of the landscape.


Natural River Area:


From the south boundary of the Wilderness Study Area at approximately river mile 131 to the Lake Billy Chinook stream gauge at approximately river mile 120, excluding the Crooked River Ranch River Community Areas as described in the River Community section, the river is classified Natural River Area;


Within this area all new structures, improvements and developments shall comply with the Land Management rules as described in OAR 736-040-0035 (Rules of Land Management) and 736-040-0040 (Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof)(1)(a)(C), and be consistent with applicable local land use and development regulations:


No new structures and improvements shall be allowed within this area unless fully screened from view from the river by topography except those minimal facilities needed for resource protection or public outdoor recreation;


Roads, mines and similar forms of development shall be permitted only when fully screened from view from the river by topography. Any existing roads shall not be extended, realigned or improved substantially unless fully screened by topography. All excess road construction materials (side cast) shall be removed to locations screened from view from the river and where they cannot be transported by gravity to the river;


New structures, improvements and development needed for resource protection or public outdoor recreation use shall be primitive in character and designed to blend with the natural character of the landscape. These structures shall be finished in colors and tones that blend with the surrounding landscape. For purposes of this rule, landscape includes indigenous vegetation, soils and rock materials.

Source: Rule 736-040-0072 — Middle Deschutes River Scenic Waterway, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=736-040-0072.

Rules for Conducting Hearings on Scenic Waterways Regulations
Designated Scenic Waterways
Definition of Terms
Responsibility and Authority of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission
Public Use of Scenic Waterways
Improvements and Changes in Use of Related Adjacent Lands
Rules of Land Management
Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof
Nestucca River Scenic Waterway
Walker Creek Scenic Waterway
Upper McKenzie River Scenic Waterway
Interim Classification of State Scenic Waterways
Rogue River Scenic Waterway
North Umpqua River Scenic Waterway
Grande Ronde River Scenic Waterway
Wallowa River Scenic Waterway
Upper Clackamas River Scenic Waterway
llinois River Scenic Waterway
Elk River Scenic Waterway
Upper Rogue River Scenic Waterway
Klamath River Scenic Waterway
Owyhee River Scenic Waterway
Metolius River Scenic Waterway
Minam River Scenic Waterway
John Day River Scenic Waterway
North Fork John Day River Scenic Waterway
Middle Fork John Day River Scenic Waterway
South Fork John Day River Scenic Waterway
Deschutes River Scenic Waterway
Deschutes River Scenic Waterway Boater Pass System Rules
Middle Deschutes River Scenic Waterway
Upper Deschutes River Scenic Waterway
Sandy River Scenic Waterway
Clackamas River Scenic Waterway
Waldo Lake and the North Fork of the Middle Fork of the Willamette River
Notification Procedures
Procedures in Event of Commission Denial
Condemnation of Related Adjacent Land
Public Lands Within or Adjacent to a Scenic Waterway
Chetco River Scenic Waterway
Molalla River Scenic Waterway
Nehalem River Scenic Waterway Management Rules
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 736-040-0072’s source at or​.us