OAR 740-050-0500
Filing Requirements for Tariffs


Applicants for authority to transport household goods must:


File two copies of a proposed tariff of rates, charges, classifications, practices, privileges and rules, compiled in conformity with Division 50 rules and secure tariff approval; or


Designate a tariff publishing agent and file:


Written power of attorney appointing such agent; or


Confirming letter from such agent indicating that a tariff filing will be made in behalf of applicant if and when the requested authority is granted;


Applicants designating tariff publishing agents will not be issued a certificate until such agent has established in its tariff the rates and charges applicable to the proposed operation.


All supplements or amendments to original tariffs and reissues thereof must also be filed.

Source: Rule 740-050-0500 — Filing Requirements for Tariffs, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 740-050-0500’s source at