OAR 812-008-0040
Application Requirements and Eligibility Requirements


An individual must submit the following to qualify for certification:


An application on a form provided by the agency;


The fee established in OAR 812-008-0110 (Prescribed Fees);


If applicable, CCB number and name of employing licensee;


Proof of minimum of 20 education points as set forth in sections (3) and (4) of this rule;


Evidence of successful passage of the National Home Inspector Examination; and


A signed statement that the individual has read and understands the home inspector standards of behavior, as set forth in OAR 812-008-0201 (Standards of Behavior), and the home inspector standards of practice, as set forth in 812-008-0202 (Contracts and Reports) through 812-008-0214 (Built-in Kitchen Appliances).


A business must do the following to qualify for a license:


Become licensed with the agency as a residential general contractor, a residential specialty contractor or a home inspection services contractor;


Have as an owner or employee one or more individuals who have obtained a certificate from the agency to undertake certified home inspections;


Submit an application on a form prescribed by the agency; and


Submit the fee as prescribed in OAR chapter 812.


An individual applicant must provide the agency with acceptable documentation that the applicant has accumulated a minimum of 20 education points from the following choices:


Ten points for a completed, 3-credit hour minimum class with a passing grade in home inspection at an accredited college or university.


One point for each completed 3-hour minimum class with a passing grade in construction, remodeling, engineering, architecture, building design, building technology, or real estate at an accredited college or university.


One point for each completed “ride-along” inspection performed under the direct supervision of an Oregon certified home inspector.


One point for each completed 3-hour minimum class with a passing grade in approved subject areas in OAR 812-008-0074 (Approved Course Subjects and Education Providers)(1) by approved education providers under 812-008-0074 (Approved Course Subjects and Education Providers)(2) that are not colleges or universities.


The individual applicant may substitute the following experiences for all or part of the education requirements in OAR 812-008-0040 (Application Requirements and Eligibility Requirements)(3):


Four points for each completed 12 months legally working as a home inspector in Oregon or another state or country.


Two points for each completed 12 months working or teaching at an accredited college or university, trade school or private business for monetary compensation in construction, remodeling, engineering, architecture, building design, building technology, real estate, or building inspections.


One-half point for each letter of recommendation from an Oregon-certified home inspector.


One point for each building codes certification issued by a government agency.

Source: Rule 812-008-0040 — Application Requirements and Eligibility Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=812-008-0040.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 812-008-0040’s source at