OAR 812-008-0045
Temporary Authorization for Military Spouse – Home Inspectors

(1) A spouse of an active-duty member of the United States Army, Army Active Guard Reserve, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Air Force Active Guard Reserve, or Coast Guard stationed in Oregon may obtain a temporary authorization as a home inspector valid until the earliest of the following:
(a) Two years from the date of issue;
(b) The date the applicant’s spouse completes the spouse’s active-duty service in Oregon; or
(c) The date the applicant’s authorization issued by another state expires.
(2) The applicant shall complete an application as provided in OAR 812-008-0040 (Application Requirements and Eligibility Requirements).
(3) The applicant must hold a current authorization in another state as a home inspector.
(4) The applicant must be in good standing in the state or states in which the applicant is currently licensed. For purposes of this subsection, “good standing” means the applicant has not been subject to any disciplinary sanction within the past 5 years.
(5) To demonstrate competency, the applicant must:
(a) Successfully pass the National Home Inspector Examination created and graded by the Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors; and
(b) Complete three hours of education on laws, regulations and business practices offered by the board.
(6) The applicant shall pay the license application fee as provided in OAR 812-008-0110 (Prescribed Fees).
(7) These requirements do not eliminate or supersede any requirement for any other license or credential required by another Oregon state agency or local government.

Source: Rule 812-008-0045 — Temporary Authorization for Military Spouse – Home Inspectors, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 812-008-0045’s source at