OAR 812-008-0070
Requirements for Renewal of Certification


An Oregon certified home inspector shall submit the following to the agency for renewal of certification:


A properly completed renewal application on an agency form; and


The renewal fee as required under OAR 812-008-0110 (Prescribed Fees); and


Copies of completion certificates or other proof of completion listing no less than 30 continuing education units (CEUs) completed by the Oregon certified home inspector during the two years immediately preceding the expiration date of the certification for which renewal is sought.


If, during the two years immediately preceding the expiration date of the certification, an Oregon certified home inspector served on active duty in the United States armed forces, including but not limited to mobilization or deployment, the continuing education requirement is waived for that two-year period.

Source: Rule 812-008-0070 — Requirements for Renewal of Certification, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 812-008-0070’s source at