OAR 847-080-0002
Application for Licensure


When applying for licensure the applicant must submit to the Board the completed application, fees, documents and letters.


A person applying for licensure under these rules who has not completed the licensure process within a 12 month consecutive period must file a new application, documents, letters and pay a full filing fee as if filing for the first time.


The applicant may be required to appear before the Board for a personal interview regarding information received during the processing of the application. Unless excused in advance, failure to appear before the Board for a personal interview violates ORS 677.190 (Grounds for suspending, revoking or refusing to grant license, registration or certification)(17) and may subject the applicant to disciplinary action.

Source: Rule 847-080-0002 — Application for Licensure, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-080-0002’s source at