OAR 847-080-0018
Examination for Licensure

The applicant must base an application upon the licensing examination administered by the National Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners (NBPME). The licensing examination is limited to the American Podiatric Medical Licensing Examination (APMLE) or the NBPME examination. No application will be accepted on the basis of reciprocity or written examination, other than an examination administered by the NBPME.


The applicant must pass Parts I, II and III of the licensing examination.


Part III of the licensing examination may be waived if the applicant graduated from a school or college of podiatric medicine before January 1, 2001; and


Is licensed as a podiatric physician in another state; or


Is certified by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine (ABPM) or the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery (ABFAS).


The score achieved on each Part of the examination must equal or exceed the figure established by the NBPME as a passing score.


All three Parts of the licensing examination must be passed within a seven-year period which begins when the first Part, either Part I or Part II, is passed. An applicant who graduated from a school or college of podiatric medicine on or after January 1, 2001, and who has not passed all three Parts within the seven-year period may request a waiver of the seven-year requirement if he or she:


Has current certification by the ABPM or the ABFAS; or


Suffered from a documented significant health condition which by its severity would necessarily cause a delay to the applicant’s podiatric study; or


Experienced other extenuating circumstances that do not indicate an inability to safely practice podiatric medicine as determined by the Board.


The applicant who graduated from a school or college of podiatric medicine on or after January 1, 2001, must have passed Part III of the licensing examination within four attempts, whether for Oregon or for any other state. After the third failed attempt, the applicant must have completed one additional year of postgraduate training in the United States prior to readmission to the examination. The Board must approve the additional year of training to determine whether the applicant is eligible for licensure. The applicant, after completion of the required year of training, must have passed Part III on their fourth and final attempt. An applicant who has passed Part III of the licensing examination, but not within the four attempts as required, may request a waiver of this requirement if he or she has current certification by the ABPM or the ABFAS.

Source: Rule 847-080-0018 — Examination for Licensure, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-080-0018’s source at