Definitions 847‑080‑0002
Application for Licensure 847‑080‑0010
Requirements for Licensure 847‑080‑0013
Documents to Be Submitted for Licensure 847‑080‑0016
Application for Licensure by Military Spouse or Domestic Partner 847‑080‑0017
Letters and Official Verifications to be Submitted for Licensure 847‑080‑0018
Examination for Licensure 847‑080‑0021
Competency Examination and Re-Entry to Practice 847‑080‑0022
Qualifications to Perform Ankle Surgery 847‑080‑0028
License Application Withdrawals 847‑080‑0030
Denial of License 847‑080‑0035
Approved Colleges of Podiatric Medicine
Definitions 847‑080‑0002
Application for Licensure 847‑080‑0010
Requirements for Licensure 847‑080‑0013
Documents to Be Submitted for Licensure 847‑080‑0016
Application for Licensure by Military Spouse or Domestic Partner 847‑080‑0017
Letters and Official Verifications to be Submitted for Licensure 847‑080‑0018
Examination for Licensure 847‑080‑0021
Competency Examination and Re-Entry to Practice 847‑080‑0022
Qualifications to Perform Ankle Surgery 847‑080‑0028
License Application Withdrawals 847‑080‑0030
Denial of License 847‑080‑0035
Approved Colleges of Podiatric Medicine