OAR 848-020-0000

As used in this division:


“Physical therapist aide” or “aide” means a person who is not licensed as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, who aids a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant by performing treatment-related tasks or by performing non-treatment, patient-related tasks. Although they may be providing services to a patient pursuant to direction or instruction from a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, the following persons are not considered physical therapist aides:


Educational or instructional aides or assistants working in a school setting; or


Nurses aides, restorative aides or personal care assistants. Persons performing facility maintenance, equipment assembly and maintenance, housekeeping, clerical, or other similar tasks are not considered aides.


“Physical therapist” or “physical therapist assistant” includes a person who holds a temporary permit issued under OAR 848-010-0026 (Temporary Permits).


“Supervise” means to provide the amount of personal direction, assistance, advice and instruction necessary to reasonably assure that the supervisee provides the patient competent physical therapy services, given the supervisor’s actual knowledge of the supervisee’s ability, training and experiences. Additionally, supervision of:


“Authentication” means the process by which the licensee reviews and validates the accuracy of the record entry. By authenticating a record entry, the licensee certifies that the services described were performed by the authenticating licensee or performed by a person under that licensee’s supervision.

Source: Rule 848-020-0000 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 848-020-0000’s source at