OAR 848-020-0050
Assignment of Tasks to Aides


A supervising physical therapist or physical therapist assistant may assign treatment-related tasks and non-treatment, patient-related tasks to an aide.


The physical therapist must provide an initial evaluation of the patient and develop a plan of care;


The physical therapist or physical therapist assistant shall assess the competence of the aide to perform an assigned treatment-related task for that patient in a safe and effective manner;


The physical therapist or physical therapist assistant must assign only those tasks which are appropriate for the aide to perform for that patient based on the aide’s training, experience and ability.


A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant shall not permit an aide to administer a non-prohibited procedure or modality to a patient unless a licensee has previously administered the entire specific procedure or modality to the patient as per OAR 848-020-0030 (Supervision; Delegation of Supervision; Professional Responsibility of Supervisors and Supervisees)(2).

Source: Rule 848-020-0050 — Assignment of Tasks to Aides, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 848-020-0050’s source at