OAR 848-020-0030
Supervision; Delegation of Supervision; Professional Responsibility of Supervisors and Supervisees


The physical therapist shall supervise the physical therapist aide in each treatment task and each non-treatment, patient-related task assigned to the aide. The supervising physical therapist may delegate to a physical therapist assistant supervision of the aide.


A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant shall not permit an aide to perform a treatment-related task or a non-treatment, patient-related task except under the supervision of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant. A licensee shall not permit an aide to administer a task that is prohibited under OAR 848-020-0060 (Prohibited Treatment-Related Tasks), and shall not permit an aide to administer a non-prohibited procedure or modality to a patient unless a licensee has previously administered the entire specific procedure or modality to the patient.


A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant may supervise a maximum total of two physical therapist aides, when the aides are performing treatment-related tasks. In addition, a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant may supervise additional aides who are not performing treatment related tasks.


Use of an aide to perform tasks as allowed by this rule shall not constitute a violation of OAR 848-045-0020 (Grounds for Discipline of a Licensee)(2)(s).


A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant is responsible for the competent performance of tasks assigned to an aide whom the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant is supervising as provided in OAR 848-020-0000 (Definitions)(5).


A physical therapist assistant is always also professionally responsible for all acts and omissions of each aide under the physical therapist assistant’s supervision.

Source: Rule 848-020-0030 — Supervision; Delegation of Supervision; Professional Responsibility of Supervisors and Supervisees, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=848-020-0030.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 848-020-0030’s source at