OAR 855-019-0300
Duties of a Pharmacist-in-Charge


In accordance with Division 41 of this chapter of rules, a pharmacy must, at all times have one Pharmacist-in-Charge (PIC) employed on a regular basis.


In order to be a PIC, a pharmacist must have:


Completed at least one year of pharmacy practice; or


Completed a Board approved PIC training course either before the appointment or within 30 days after the appointment. With the approval of the Board, this course may be employer provided and may qualify for continuing education credit.


A pharmacist may not be designated PIC of more than two pharmacies without prior written approval by the Board. If such approval is given, the pharmacist must comply with the requirements in sub-section (4)(e) of this rule.


The PIC must perform the following the duties and responsibilities:


When a change of PIC occurs, both outgoing and incoming PICs must report the change to the Board within 15 days of the occurrence, on a form provided by the Board;


The new PIC must complete an inspection on the PIC Annual Self-Inspection Form, within 15 days of becoming PIC;


The PIC may not authorize non-pharmacist employees to have unsupervised access to the pharmacy, except in the case of hospitals that do not have a 24-hour pharmacy where access may be granted as specified in OAR 855-041-0120;


In a hospital only, the PIC is responsible for providing education and training to the nurse supervisor who has been designated to have access to the pharmacy department in the absence of a pharmacist;


A pharmacist designated as PIC for more than one pharmacy shall personally conduct and document a quarterly compliance audit at each location. This audit shall be on the Quarterly PIC Compliance Audit Form provided by the Board;


If a discrepancy is noted on a Board inspection, the PIC must submit a plan of correction within 30 days of receiving notice.


The records and forms required by this section must be filed in the pharmacy, made available to the Board for inspection upon request, and must be retained for three years.


The PIC is responsible for ensuring that the following activities are correctly completed:


An inventory of all controlled substances must be taken within 15 days before or after the effective date of change of PIC, and must be dated and signed by the new PIC. This inventory must be maintained in the pharmacy for three years and in accordance with all federal laws and regulations;


Verifying, on employment and as appropriate, but not less than annually, the licensure of all pharmacy personnel who are required to be licensed by the Board;


Conducting an annual inspection of the pharmacy using the PIC Annual Self-Inspection Form provided by the Board, by February 1 each year. The completed self-inspection forms must be signed and dated by the PIC and maintained for three years from the date of completion;


Conducting an annual inventory of all controlled drugs as required by OAR 855-080;


Performing a quarterly inventory reconciliation of all Schedule II controlled drugs.


Ensuring that all pharmacy staff have been trained appropriately for the practice site. Such training should include an annual review of the PIC Self-Inspection Report;


Implementing a quality assurance plan for the pharmacy.


The records and forms required by this section must be filed in the pharmacy, made available to the Board for inspection upon request, and must be retained for three years.


The PIC, along with other licensed pharmacy personnel, must ensure that the pharmacy is in compliance with all state and federal laws and rules governing the practice of pharmacy and that all controlled substance records and inventories are maintained in accordance with all state and federal laws and rules.

Source: Rule 855-019-0300 — Duties of a Pharmacist-in-Charge, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=855-019-0300.

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Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 855-019-0300’s source at or​.us