OAR 918-282-0260
Limited Building Maintenance Electrician License


A limited building maintenance electrician:


Is authorized to maintain, repair and replace the following electrical installations required on the premises of commercial office buildings, buildings occupied by the state or a local government entity or facilities designated by the board in electrical systems not exceeding 300 volts to ground:


Electrical appliances;


Light switches;


Light fixtures;




Receptacles; and


Fluorescent ballasts.


May be employed by the owner of a commercial office building or the owner’s agent, neither of whom need to be licensed.


Qualification Based on Employment and Experience Gained Prior to July 1, 1995. Prior to August 1, 1998, an applicant can qualify by submitting independent documentation of at least one year of commercial office building maintenance experience, provided the experience was gained prior to July 1, 1995, and by passing a written examination. No applications shall be received under this section after August 1, 1998.


License and Equivalent Requirements. The equivalent standards adopted by the board under ORS 479.630 (Requirements for obtaining licenses) include:


Work Categories and Minimum Hours. Applicants who did not complete an approved training program must verify 2,000 hours of on-the-job training or experience in maintenance, repair and replacement for the following work categories and minimum hours:


Electrical appliances, 100 hours;


Light switches, 250 hours;


Light fixtures, 200 hours;


Fans, 100 hours;


Receptacles, 250 hours; and


Fluorescent ballasts, 300 hours.


Total Hours Required. The minimum work hours under each subject shall not be less than the hours specified. No more than 300 percent credit shall be allowed for subjects (A) through (F) for any one subject.


Required Educational Qualification by Training.


Applicants shall attend 16 hours of approved electrical safety training before commencing any on-the-job activities or additional electrical training.


Required Electrical Training. Applicants shall submit transcripts verifying successful completion, with passing grades, in the following subject areas:


Basic electricity;


Sources of electricity;


Building electrical service;


Measuring electrical energy consumption and electrical circuits;


Protective devices (fuses and circuit breakers) and electrical symbols;


Electrical conductors, insulation and raceways;


Electrical boxes, receptacles, switches and solenoids;


Motors and starters, maintenance and safety;


Electrical testing meters;


Basics of lighting;


Light sources, fixtures and maintenance;


Maintenance and safety;


Scope of work allowed; and


Applicable sections of the Oregon Electrical Specialty Code.


Prior to performing any unsupervised electrical work as a trainee, applicant shall have a minimum of 80 hours of approved on-the-job training under the supervision of a competent licensed electrician whose scope of license allows all of the electrical activities of a limited building maintenance electrician, provided the training covers each of the electrical installations in subsection (3)(a) of this section.


For the purposes of this section the following licensees can be the training electrician: General supervising electrician, limited supervising electrician, general journeyman, limited manufacturing plant journeyman, limited maintenance electrician and limited building maintenance electrician which includes a person licensed under section (2) of this rule.




“Commercial Office Building” is a building of which 75 percent or more of the office area is used for professional or service transactions, including storage of records. For the purpose of determining “office area,” stairways, hallways, rest rooms and vehicle parking are excluded;


“Government Building” means a building, or portion thereof, which is owned, leased or rented and used by the state or any county, municipality or other political subdivision of the state; and


“Owner’s Agent” means the owner’s employee, or other person or entity under contract, who oversees the daily maintenance of the owner’s property.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 918-282-0260 — Limited Building Maintenance Electrician License, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=918-282-0260.

Electrical Contractors in General
Electrical Contractor License
Electrical Contractor’s Responsibilities
Elevator Contractor Electrical License
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Electrical Licensing in General
General Licensing Exemptions
Licensing Requirements for Electrical Work
General Supervising Electrician License
Employment Requirements for Supervising Electricians Employed by Industrial or Manufacturing Plant
Limited Supervising Electrician License
General Journeyman License
Limited Residential Electrician License
Limited Elevator Journeyman License
Limited Journeyman Manufacturing Plant Electrician License
Indorsement for Manufacturing Plant Electricians
Limited Renewable Energy Technician
Limited Journeyman Sign Electrician License
Limited Journeyman Stage Electrician License
Limited Maintenance Electrician License
Limited Building Maintenance Electrician License
Elevator Apprenticeship Program
Class “A” Limited Energy Technician License
Licensing Requirements for Class “A” Limited Energy Technician
Class “B” Limited Energy Technician
Licensing Requirements for Class “B” Limited Energy Technician
Solar Licensing
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-282-0260’s source at