OAR 918-282-0270


An apprentice:


Shall meet the following minimum requirements:
(A) General journeyman, Class A limited energy technician and Class B limited energy technician:
(i) Be 17 years of age to apply, 18 years of age to be registered;
(ii) Have a high school diploma, GED, or international equivalency; and
(iii) Have one-year high school algebra, integrated math 2 or its equivalent with one of the following:
(I) A grade of “Pass” if no letter grades were issued as a result of COVID-19 impacts;
(II) A grade of "C” or better; or
(III) Equivalent community college mathematics placement test results.


Limited journeyman manufacturing plant, limited maintenance, limited journeyman sign, limited journeyman stage and limited renewable energy technician:
Be 17 years of age to apply, 18 years of age to be registered;
Have a high school diploma, GED or international equivalency; and
Have one-year high school mathematics with a passing grade, or equivalent community college mathematics placement test results;


Limited residential:
Be 17 years of age to apply, 18 years of age to be registered;
Have a high school diploma, GED, or international equivalency; and
(iii) Have one-year high school algebra, integrated math 2 or its equivalent with one of the following:
(I) A grade of “Pass” if no letter grades were issued as a result of COVID-19 impacts;
(II) A grade of “C” or better; or
(iv) One-year high school math and completion of an algebra course as part of an approved apprenticeship program with one of the following:
(I) A grade of “Pass” if no letter grades were issued as a result of COVID-19 impacts;
(II) A grade of “C” or better; or
(III) Equivalent community college mathematics placement test results.


Shall be licensed;


May assist an appropriately licensed electrician on the same job site and the same shift in performing electrical work authorized in the trade, or branch of the trade, in which the licensee is registered; and


Shall not perform electrical work under a person holding a letter of authority card issued to State of Oregon employees.


Apprentice licenses issued under sections (3)(a), (4), or (5) of this rule are issued and renewed by the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries according to standards established in this rule and the guidelines established by the Bureau of Labor and Industries and the Building Codes Division.


Electrical apprentice licenses:


Shall be issued to individuals registered in formal electrical apprenticeship programs recognized by the board and the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries under ORS Chapter 660 (Apprenticeship and Training); and


May be issued to trainees enrolled in individually approved, employer-sponsored training programs leading to the limited journeyman license in OAR 918-282-0190 (Limited Journeyman Manufacturing Plant Electrician License). Individuals enrolled in these programs may be issued an electrical apprentice license only if the employer’s program is approved by the board.


Reciprocal electrical apprentice licenses shall be issued to individuals currently registered in an approved apprenticeship program outside Oregon in a state that is party to the state apprenticeship reciprocal agreement.


Notwithstanding subsection (1)(c) of this rule, a final period apprentice licensed under sections (3)(a) or (4) of this rule that meets the requirements of this section and the Bureau of Labor and Industries may be issued an indirect supervision electrical apprentice license, allowing the apprentice to work under indirect supervision at the discretion of the responsible supervisor. A license under this section may be issued to:


A final period apprentice in an 8,000 hour apprenticeship program with at least 6,500 hours of on-the-job training, allowing the apprentice to work under indirect supervision on projects not exceeding eight hours duration and limited to 300 volts phase to phase or phase to ground; or


A final period apprentice in a 6,000 hour apprenticeship program with at least 5,000 hours of on-the-job training, allowing the apprentice to work under indirect supervision on projects not exceeding eight hours duration that are otherwise within the scope of the apprentice’s license.

Source: Rule 918-282-0270 — Apprentices, .

Electrical Contractors in General
Electrical Contractor License
Electrical Contractor’s Responsibilities
Elevator Contractor Electrical License
Limited Sign Contractor License
Limited Energy Contractor License
Limited Renewable Energy Contractor
Limited Maintenance Specialty Contractor-HVAC/R License
Limited Maintenance Specialty Contractor License
Restricted Energy Contractor License
Limited Pump Installation Specialty Contractor License
Electrical Licensing in General
General Licensing Exemptions
Licensing Requirements for Electrical Work
General Supervising Electrician License
Employment Requirements for Supervising Electricians Employed by Industrial or Manufacturing Plant
Limited Supervising Electrician License
General Journeyman License
Limited Residential Electrician License
Limited Elevator Journeyman License
Limited Journeyman Manufacturing Plant Electrician License
Indorsement for Manufacturing Plant Electricians
Limited Renewable Energy Technician
Limited Journeyman Sign Electrician License
Limited Journeyman Stage Electrician License
Limited Maintenance Electrician License
Limited Building Maintenance Electrician License
Elevator Apprenticeship Program
Class “A” Limited Energy Technician License
Licensing Requirements for Class “A” Limited Energy Technician
Class “B” Limited Energy Technician
Licensing Requirements for Class “B” Limited Energy Technician
Solar Licensing
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-282-0270’s source at