OAR 918-780-0090
Requests for Inspection and Notice of Results


Except as provided in section (2) of this rule, an inspecting jurisdiction shall inspect within 48 hours of a written request for inspection unless the time for inspection is extended to a set date by mutual agreement. The 48 hours excludes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.


The inspecting jurisdiction shall inspect an installation at a remote location within a reasonable time of the request.


For the purpose of this section, a “remote location” is:


An inspection location that is more than 60 miles one way using the most direct route, measured from the closest of the inspector’s station, inspection office or the inspecting jurisdiction’s primary offices; or


An inspection location that requires more than one hour or normal driving, one way, using the most direct route from the closest point mentioned in paragraph (A) of this subsection.


For the purposes of this section, “within a reasonable time” means a response time that takes into account the time, distance and number of inspection requests, but shall not exceed seven consecutive calendar days including the date the request was received unless the time for inspection is extended to a set date by mutual agreement. If the seventh calendar day falls on a weekend or holiday, this is extended to include the next business day.


Reasonable procedures designed to provide actual notice of inspection results shall be used by all inspecting jurisdictions to notify the person requesting inspections, of the results of plumbing inspection. “Reasonable procedures designed to provide actual notice” shall include posting at the job site and:


Nothing more when the installation is by an owner;


Nothing more when the installation is approved;


For other than for a one- or two-family dwelling, notification of any deficiencies on a specific permit by:


FAX transmittal to the plumbing contractor;


Personal delivery to the plumbing contractor;




Telephone followed by written notification; or


Other electronic or automated notification systems.


By written confirmation of inspection approval if a permit holder requests confirmation.


If the inspection mentioned in sections (1) and (2) of this rule involved a cover inspection and does not include any medical gas systems or components, the work cannot be covered unless:


Inspection clearance is given; or


The request for inspection is in writing communicated to the inspecting jurisdiction, with notice that a cover inspection is involved, no extensions are agreed to and the maximum time for making the required inspection under sections (1) and (2) of this rule are exceeded. For the purposes of this subsection:


Written request includes a letter, telegram or FAX transmittal; and


The burden of proof is on the person requesting the plumbing inspection to prove that a written request was communicated.


Correction Notice for Violations. All deviations from the requirements of the statutes or rules shall be specified in writing and a copy of the notice furnished to the permittee. An additional copy of the notice may be posted at the site of the installation or mailed or delivered to the permittee or the permittee’s agent at the address shown on the permit. The division may provide information on the meaning or application of the statutes and rules but shall not design or lay out work for contractors, owners, or users. Refusal, failure, or neglect to correct deviations from the minimum standards specified in the notice within 30 days of receipt or of posting of notice of violation shall be considered a separate violation of these administrative rules.

Source: Rule 918-780-0090 — Requests for Inspection and Notice of Results, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=918-780-0090.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-780-0090’s source at