OAR 943-070-0010

The following definitions apply to OAR 943-070-0000 (Purpose) through 943-070-0070 (Advisory Committee):
(1) “Contractor” means a person or governmental entity who has a legal agreement with the Authority or Department to provide goods or services.
(3) “Ethnicity” means a demographic designation for a group of people sharing a culture that includes race, religion, language, and other cultural characteristics including ancestry or country of origin.
(4) “Primary racial or ethnic identity” means the race or ethnicity with which an individual most identifies when opting to choose from multiple designations.
(5) “Race” means a demographic designation for a group of people who share a common heredity.
(a) Race includes shared ancestry, national origin and sociocultural characteristics.
(b) Race is not a biological, anthropological or genetic distinction.
(6) “REALD” means race, ethnicity, preferred spoken and written language, English proficiency, interpreter needs and disability.
(7) “Requestor” means an individual or entity that is required under these rules, required by contract, or otherwise required by law to collect REALD information in accordance with these rules, and includes but is not limited to the Authority, the Department, contractors and subcontractors of the Authority or the Department, and health care providers as that term is defined in Oregon Laws 2020, 1st Special Session, Chapter 12, Sections 40-41.
(8) “Subcontractor” means a person or governmental entity who has a legal agreement with a contractor as that is defined in this rule, to provide goods or services.

Source: Rule 943-070-0010 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 943-070-0010’s source at