OAR 943-070-0040
Language and Communication Needs Demographic Data Collection Standards

(1) A requestor is only required to ask a child under the age of five or an adult answering on behalf of a child under the age of five to answer the questions in section (3) of this rule when the requestor needs to communicate directly with the child.
(2) Skip questions methodology:
(a) If in response to the questions in subsections (3)(a) and (4)(a) of this rule an individual answers that they only use English at home, the requestor does not need to ask the questions in subsections (3)(b) or (4)(b) and (c) of this rule.
(b) If in response to the questions in subsection (3)(a) and (4)(a) of this rule an individual’s answer includes a language other than English but the language is sign language, the requestor does not need to ask the questions in paragraph (3)(b)(E) or subsection (4)(c) of this rule.
(3) If a requestor or other person may have a need for ongoing communication with the individual answering questions, at minimum, the following questions about language and communication needs must be asked:
(a) “What language or languages do you use at home?”
(b) If the individual indicates a response that includes a language other than English or in addition to English the individual should be asked:
(A) “In what language do you want us to communicate with you in person, on the phone, or virtually.”
(B) “In what language do you want us to write to you?”
(C) “Do you need or want an interpreter for us to communicate with you?”
(D) “If you need or want an interpreter, what type of interpreter is preferred?” Response options:
(i) Spoken language interpreter.
(ii) American Sign Language interpreter.
(iii) Deaf Interpreter for DeafBlind with additional barriers.
(iv) Contact sign language (PSE) interpreter.
(v) Other (with open text box).
(E) “How well do you speak English?” Response options:
(i) Very well.
(ii) Well.
(iii) Not well.
(iv) Not at all.
(4) If a requestor is collecting information in accordance with this rule but there is no intent or need for ongoing communication between the requestor, other persons, and the individual answering questions, the following questions about language and communication needs must be asked:
(a) “What language or languages do you use at home?”
(b) If the individual indicates a response that includes a language other than English or in addition to English the individual should be asked:
(A) “What language would you prefer to use when communicating with someone outside the home about important matters such as medical, legal, or health information?”
(B) “What language would you prefer to use to read important written information such as medical, legal, or health information?”
(c) “How well do you speak English?” Response options:
(A) Very well.
(B) Well.
(C) Not well.
(D) Not at all.

Source: Rule 943-070-0040 — Language and Communication Needs Demographic Data Collection Standards, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

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