OAR 259-008-0340
Issuance of Notice of Intent/Request for Hearing and Contested Case Procedures


Upon a determination to proceed with an emergency suspension or a denial or revocation, the Department will prepare and serve a Notice of Intent on the individual or public safety professional.


Response Time:


A party who has been served with an Emergency Suspension Order has 90 days from the date of mailing or personal service of the Order to file a written request for a hearing with the Department.


A party who has been served with a Notice of Intent to Deny Certification has 60 days from the date of mailing or personal service of the Notice to file a written request for a hearing with the Department.


A party who has been served with a Notice of Intent to Revoke Certification has 20 days from the date of mailing or personal service of the Notice to file a written request for a hearing with the Department.


Default Orders. If the Department does not receive a timely request for a hearing, the Notice of Intent will become a Final Order denying or revoking certification pursuant to OAR 137-003-0672 (Default in Cases Involving an Agency Order that May Become Final Without a Request for Hearing).


Hearing Request. If the Department receives a timely request for a hearing, it will refer the matter to the Office of Administrative Hearings in accordance with OAR 137-003-0515 (Agency Referral to Office of Administrative Hearings).


Proposed and Final Orders. When a hearing is requested, Proposed Orders, Exceptions, and Final Orders will be issued pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Attorney General’s Model Rules of Procedures adopted under OAR 259-005-0015 (Rules of Procedures).


Notice and Hearing Procedures Specific to Professional Standards Cases.


When a Policy Committee recommends denial or revocation of public safety professional certifications, the Department will serve the Notice of Intent on the individual or public safety professional prior to the Board’s review.


Department-proposed amendments to a Proposed Order issued by an Administrative Law Judge in a case that was originally reviewed by a Policy Committee and the Board must be considered by the Policy Committee and the Board before a Final Order can be issued.


The administrative law judge presiding at a contested case hearing may not adjust the ineligibility period approved by the Board under OAR 259-008-0310 (Denial/Revocation - Initiation and Review of a Professional Standards Case) or the Applicant Review Committee under OAR 259-008-0290 (Denial of Public Safety Professional Certifications for Pre-employment Criminal Dispositions).


If the Department does not receive a timely request for a hearing in cases heard by a Policy Committee, the Notice of Intent will become a Final Order denying or revoking certification pursuant to OAR 137-003-0672 (Default in Cases Involving an Agency Order that May Become Final Without a Request for Hearing) upon final approval by the Board.

Source: Rule 259-008-0340 — Issuance of Notice of Intent/Request for Hearing and Contested Case Procedures, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=259-008-0340.

Policies and Objectives
Board and Department Policies for the Impacts of COVID-19
Minimum Standards for Employment as a Law Enforcement Officer or Utilization as a Reserve Officer
Minimum Standards for Employment as a Telecommunicator and Emergency Medical Dispatcher
Background Investigation
Public Records
Authorized Signer / Signature Authority
Personnel Actions, DPSST Numbers and Use of Legal Name
Minimum Standards for Training
Period of Service
Education Credits
Public Safety Officer Certification
Maintenance of Certification for Telecommunicators and Emergency Medical Dispatchers
Maintenance of Law Enforcement Officer Certification
Lapse and Expiration of Public Safety Professional Certifications
Tribal Law Enforcement
Determinations of Eligibility to be a Candidate for Election to the Office of Sheriff
Eligibility Requirements for Police Chief
Eligibility Requirements for Limited Duration, Administrative Positions
Instructors for Mandated Training
Minimum Standards for Mandated Courses
Training Records
Miscellaneous Activities of the Board or Department
Prohibited Use of Force Training
Civil Penalties
Sanctions, Generally
Notice of Civil Penalty
Denial of Public Safety Professional Certifications for Pre-employment Criminal Dispositions
Grounds for Denial, Revocation or Emergency Suspension of Public Safety Professional Certifications
Denial/Revocation - Initiation and Review of a Professional Standards Case
Scope of Denial/Revocation and Eligibility for Certification Following Denial/Revocation
Surrendering Certifications
Issuance of Notice of Intent/Request for Hearing and Contested Case Procedures
Review of Complaints
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 259-008-0340’s source at or​.us