OAR 259-060-0020
Minimum Standards for Certification or Licensure


Age. Private security providers must be:


At least 18 years of age to be certified as an alarm monitor, unarmed or event and entertainment private security professional or licensed as a supervisory manager; and


At least 21 years of age to be certified as an armed private security professional or private security instructor or licensed as an executive manager.




Applicants for certification or licensure must have earned one of the following:


A high school diploma;


A General Education Development (GED) certificate; or


A two-year or four-year, post-secondary degree issued by an accredited degree-granting college or university recognized by the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission under the provision of ORS 348.594 (Definitions for ORS 348.594 to 348.615)(2).


The Department may require documentary evidence of the above. Acceptable evidence consists of official transcripts, diplomas, or GED test report forms. Other documentation may be accepted at the discretion of the Department.


The requirement found in subsection (2)(a) applies only to individuals submitting an application for new certification or licensure as described in OAR 259-060-0025 (Application for Certification and Licensure) on or after November 1, 2012.


Training. An applicant for certification or licensing must satisfactorily complete the applicable training requirements prescribed by these rules.


Moral Fitness. All applicants and private security providers must meet moral fitness standards for certification or licensure.


Moral fitness is determined through a criminal records check, department investigation or other reliable sources.
(b) Violations of moral fitness are defined in OAR 259-060-0300 (Grounds to Deny, Revoke, Suspend or Refuse to Renew Alarm Monitor Professional Certification), OAR 259-060-0310 (Grounds to Deny, Revoke, Suspend or Refuse to Renew Unarmed Private Security Professional Certification and Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Certification) and OAR 259-060-0320 (Grounds to Deny, Revoke, Suspend or Refuse to Renew Armed Private Security Professional Certification, Private Security Instructor Certification, and Executive or Supervisory Manager Licensure).


Disclosure of Criminal Dispositions. An applicant for certification or licensure must disclose their criminal dispositions, including any juvenile adjudications.


Any applicant with a juvenile adjudication must provide the Department with official records for the petition and any judgements issued in the adjudication.


The Department may request that an applicant provide official records for any other criminal disposition.


Minimum Standards for Armed Certification. An applicant for certification as an armed private security professional or firearms instructor must not:


Have been committed to the Oregon Health Authority under ORS 426.130 (Court determination of mental illness), or similar order in another jurisdiction;


Have been found to be mentally ill and subject to an order under ORS 426.130 (Court determination of mental illness) prohibiting the person from purchasing or possessing a firearm as a result of that mental illness;


Be prohibited under US Code Title 18, Section 922(g)(8) (relating to civil restraining orders including stalking or harassment) from possessing a firearm in interstate commerce; or


Be prohibited under any law of this state or any federal law from purchasing, owning or possessing a firearm.

Source: Rule 259-060-0020 — Minimum Standards for Certification or Licensure, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=259-060-0020.

Private Security Provider Duties, Exemptions and Prohibited Acts
Minimum Standards for Certification or Licensure
Application for Certification and Licensure
Temporary Assignments
Minimum Standards for Training
Challenge of Alarm Monitor Classroom Instruction and Assessment Module
Accreditation of Private Security Training Programs
Private Security Professional Requirements for Certification
Private Security Executive Manager and Supervisory Manager Licensure and Responsibilities
Private Security Instructor Requirements for Certification
Private Security Instructor Responsibilities
Crowd Management or Guest Services
Employer Responsibilities
Grounds to Deny, Revoke, Suspend or Refuse to Renew Alarm Monitor Professional Certification
Grounds to Deny, Revoke, Suspend or Refuse to Renew Unarmed Private Security Professional Certification and Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Certification
Grounds to Deny, Revoke, Suspend or Refuse to Renew Armed Private Security Professional Certification, Private Security Instructor Certification, and Executive or Supervisory Manager Licensure
Department Review for Denial, Revocation, Suspension or Refusal to Renew
Surrender of a Private Security Provider Certification or License
Emergency Suspension / Refusal to Renew / Denial - Private Security Certifications and Emotional Fitness
Issuance of Notice of Intent/Request for Hearing and Contested Case Procedures
Fees and Payments
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 259-060-0020’s source at