OAR 259-060-0060
Minimum Standards for Training


All private security courses and examinations will be based upon a curriculum approved by the Board.


All required training and testing must be conducted by a certified private security instructor or by a Department designee.


Notwithstanding section (4), all required firearms courses must be administered by a certified private security firearms instructor.


The Department or its designee will deliver the event and entertainment private security professional, private security instructor and manager courses.


All training must be delivered in English and assessments and written exams must be completed in English, without assistance.


The Department website will provide names of instructors who have requested on a Department-approved form that their names be available to applicants.


The applicant or private security provider must submit proof of successful completion of the training required as specified in these rules. Successful completion of the training must be documented by submitting the following proof of completion to the Department:


The original Form PS-6 issued to the applicant by a certified private security instructor. The Form PS-6 must be signed by the certified private security instructor who administered the course; or
(b) A copy of the certificate of completion issued by the Department.


To satisfy the training requirements for private security certification or licensure, training must be received and accepted by the Department within 180 days of the training being completed.
(9) Private Security Course Descriptions.
(a) Basic Classroom Instruction. Basic classroom consists of live classroom instruction which may include use of a subject matter expert, audio and visual instruction. Instructors must provide individuals with a manual of the basic curriculum. Applicants must complete a closed-book written examination.
(b) Assessments. Assessments are hands-on, practical exercises given to private security professionals that will reinforce the knowledge and techniques presented during classroom instruction. Assessments consist of evaluations and include, but are not limited to, scenarios requiring application of task-related skills learned in the basic classroom instruction.


Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Basic Course. The Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Basic Course provides basic private security training to private security professionals who are providing private security services solely for event or entertainment businesses or venues. This is a standalone course and does not replace the unarmed private security professional basic course.


The Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Basic Course is based on curriculum approved by the Board on January 23, 2020.


The Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Basic Course consists of online training and a final exam.


Students must achieve a passing score of 100% on the final exam, with remediation.


The Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Basic Course is administered by the Department and delivered online.
(d) Basic Firearms Course. Basic Firearms course must include:
(A) A minimum of 24 hours of instruction and an open-book written examination covering firearms instruction materials;
(B) A safe gun handling test; and
(C) A marksmanship qualification using firearms qualification standards and targets.
(e) Alarm Monitor Private Security Instructor Course. The alarm monitor private security instructor course teaches alarm monitor professional curriculum, instructing techniques and Department policies and procedures. The course includes classroom instruction, assessments and a written examination.
(f) Unarmed Private Security Instructor Development Course. The unarmed private security instructor development course teaches unarmed professional curriculum, instructing techniques and Department policies and procedures. The course includes classroom instruction, assessments and a written examination.
(g) Private Security Firearms Instructor Course. The private security firearms instructor course teaches armed professional curriculum instruction, instructing techniques, practical application and Department policies and procedures. The course includes classroom instruction, marksmanship qualification, safe handgun handling and a written examination.
(h) Manager Course. The manager course trains on Department policies and procedures. The course includes classroom instruction, assessments and a written examination.
(i) Firearms Marksmanship Qualification and Armed Refresher Course includes an annual firearms marksmanship qualification, the annual armed 4-hour classroom refresher course, a safe gun handling test and closed-book written examination.
(j) Biennial Renewal Training includes a four-hour biennial renewal course related to the current level of certification and in accordance with OAR 259-060-0120 (Private Security Professional Requirements for Certification), 259-060-0130 (Private Security Executive Manager and Supervisory Manager Licensure and Responsibilities), and 259-060-0135 (Private Security Instructor Requirements for Certification).
(k) Private Security Firearms Instructor Marksmanship Qualification includes an annual firearms marksmanship qualification.
(l) Unarmed Private Security Instructor Refresher Course includes an unarmed instructor refresher update and an examination.


Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Refresher Course. The Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Refresher Course provides refresher training for event and entertainment private security professionals to renew certification. This is a standalone course and does not replace the unarmed private security professional biennial renewal course.


The Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Refresher Course is based on curriculum approved by the Board on January 23, 2020.


The Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Refresher Course consists of online training and a final exam.


Students must achieve a passing score of 100% on the final exam, with remediation.
(D) The Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Refresher Course is administered by the Department and delivered online.


Applicants must achieve a score of 100 percent on all examinations and assessments with remediation in accordance with OAR 259-060-0136 (Private Security Instructor Responsibilities)(7).


If a certified armed private security professional or a certified private security firearms instructor fails a firearms qualification or training course, the armed private security professional or private security firearms instructor certifications issued to that person are subject to emergency suspension and refusal to renew under OAR 259-060-0120 and OAR 259-060-0135 (Private Security Instructor Requirements for Certification). Firearms qualifications and training courses include the basic firearms course, the firearms marksmanship qualification and armed refresher course, the private security firearms instructor marksmanship qualification, and the private security firearms instructor course.


All individuals who have previously been certified or licensed by the Department as a private security provider who have not held certification or licensure for over four years must complete the appropriate basic training in its entirety.

Source: Rule 259-060-0060 — Minimum Standards for Training, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=259-060-0060.

Private Security Provider Duties, Exemptions and Prohibited Acts
Minimum Standards for Certification or Licensure
Application for Certification and Licensure
Temporary Assignments
Minimum Standards for Training
Challenge of Alarm Monitor Classroom Instruction and Assessment Module
Accreditation of Private Security Training Programs
Private Security Professional Requirements for Certification
Private Security Executive Manager and Supervisory Manager Licensure and Responsibilities
Private Security Instructor Requirements for Certification
Private Security Instructor Responsibilities
Crowd Management or Guest Services
Employer Responsibilities
Grounds to Deny, Revoke, Suspend or Refuse to Renew Alarm Monitor Professional Certification
Grounds to Deny, Revoke, Suspend or Refuse to Renew Unarmed Private Security Professional Certification and Event and Entertainment Private Security Professional Certification
Grounds to Deny, Revoke, Suspend or Refuse to Renew Armed Private Security Professional Certification, Private Security Instructor Certification, and Executive or Supervisory Manager Licensure
Department Review for Denial, Revocation, Suspension or Refusal to Renew
Surrender of a Private Security Provider Certification or License
Emergency Suspension / Refusal to Renew / Denial - Private Security Certifications and Emotional Fitness
Issuance of Notice of Intent/Request for Hearing and Contested Case Procedures
Fees and Payments
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 259-060-0060’s source at