OAR 333-019-0039
Other Disease Specific Provisions: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome


In compliance with ORS 431.120 (Other duties of Oregon Health Authority)(4), the Authority will conduct an epidemiologic investigation of each instance of sudden infant death syndrome.


In order to promote support of this effort, the Authority will reimburse any county health department (or other agency providing public health services in lieu of a county health department for this purpose) to the extent of $25 to help defray the cost of one home visit by a public health nurse to any family who has lost a member of the family to SIDS.


In order for the home visit to be reimbursed the following procedure will be required:


On receiving the death investigation report in which the cause of death is SIDS, the administrator of the local public health authority receiving the report will, if possible, assure the arrangement of a home visit to the affected family by a public health nurse at an appropriate time;


The home visit will include:


Grief counseling;


Education regarding the state of knowledge regarding the cause of SIDS;


Discussion of other support resources available to help meet family needs;


Information alerting the family to expect to receive in the mail an epidemiologic investigation questionnaire, including an explanation of its purpose, of its confidentiality, and assurance of assistance in completing the form if necessary.


After the home visit has been completed, the local agency will notify the Authority in writing, including the name and birth date of the deceased infant, and the family name and address, and the date of the visit. This notice should be addressed to the Public Health Division, Center for Public Health Practice, 800 NE Oregon Street, Portland, OR 97232.


On receipt of this written notice, the Authority will reimburse the agency in the amount of $25. Reimbursement for repeat visits to the same family will not be available.


An epidemiologic questionnaire will be mailed by the Authority to the parent(s) (guardian) of the deceased infant, with instructions as to its purpose and means of completing and a request that it be completed and returned.


In the event that the completed questionnaire has not been returned in a reasonable length of time, the Authority will notify the county health department (or agency acting in lieu of the county health department) with a request for a follow-up contact with the family to ensure the highest possible rate of return and of accuracy.


Completed questionnaires will be collected and tabulated and the information analyzed by the Authority. A report of the findings will be published biennially beginning in 1985.

Source: Rule 333-019-0039 — Other Disease Specific Provisions: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=333-019-0039.

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Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-019-0039’s source at or​.us