OAR 333-019-0017
Pet Licensing, Animal Bites, and Rabies: Rabies Vaccination for Animals


Except where specifically exempt, all dogs at least three months old shall be immunized against rabies by the age of six months. The following are exempt:


Dogs brought temporarily into the state for periods of less than 30 days and kept under strict supervision by their owners;


Dogs for which rabies immunization is contraindicated for health reasons, as determined by a licensed veterinarian subsequent to an examination. The reasons for the exemption and a specific description of the dog, including name, age, sex, breed, and color, shall be recorded by the examining veterinarian on a Rabies Vaccination Certificate, which shall bear the owner’s name and address. The veterinarian shall also record whether the exemption is permanent, and if it is not, the date the exemption ends;


Dogs that are owned by dealers, breeders, or exhibitors exclusively for sale or exhibition purposes and that are confined to kennels except for transportation under strict supervision to and from dog shows or fairs.


Vaccination of an animal against rabies is valid only when performed:


By a licensed veterinarian as specified by ORS 686.350 through 686.370 (Examination for license) and OAR 875-010-0006 (Procedures for Obtaining License or Permit);


By a veterinary technician (certified according to OAR 875-030-0010 (Criteria for Becoming a Certified Veterinary Technician (CVT))) under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian; or


In the case of a need to vaccinate and the lack of an available veterinarian, by another person approved for this purpose by the State Public Health Veterinarian.


To be considered immunized against rabies, dogs and cats must be vaccinated according to guidelines published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Compendium of animal rabies prevention and control, 2016 from the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians.


A Rabies Vaccination Certificate shall be completed and signed by a licensed veterinarian; electronic signatures are acceptable. That individual shall give the original and one copy to the dog’s owner and retain one copy for the period for which the vaccination is in force. The Certificate must include at least the following information: owner’s name and address; dog description by age, sex, color, breed; date of vaccination; due date for revaccination; type and lot number of vaccine used; and name and address of vaccinator.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 333-019-0017 — Pet Licensing, Animal Bites, and Rabies: Rabies Vaccination for Animals, .

Responsibility of Public Health Authorities to Investigate Reportable Diseases
Cooperation with Public Health Authorities
Providing Information to the Oregon Health Authority or Local Public Health Administrator
Conduct of Special Studies by Oregon Health Authority
Disease Related School, Child Care, and Worksite Restrictions: Imposition of Restrictions
Disease Related School, Child Care, and Worksite Restrictions: Removal of Restrictions
Pet Licensing, Animal Bites, and Rabies: Rabies Vaccination for Animals
Pet Licensing, Animal Bites, and Rabies: Dog Licensing
Pet Licensing, Animal Bites, and Rabies: Wolf-Dog Hybrids
Pet Licensing, Animal Bites, and Rabies: Management of Animal Bites
Pet Licensing, Animal Bites, and Rabies: Management of Possibly Rabid Animals
Other Disease Specific Provisions: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Other Disease Specific Provisions: Special Precautions Relating to Pregnancy and Childbirth
Other Disease Specific Provisions: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Other Disease Specific Provisions: Tuberculosis
Other Disease Specific Provisions: Tuberculosis Screening in Correctional Facilities
Other Disease Specific Provisions: Communication During Transfer of Patients with MDROs, C. difficile, or Any Organism Requiring Transmission-Based Precautions
Infection Prevention in Health Care Settings
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-019-0017’s source at