OAR 340-150-0163
General Permit Requirements for Operating an UST System


To maintain compliance with the general permit registration certificate for operation, the permittee must operate and maintain the UST system in accordance with the following performance standards and requirements:


The valid annual operation certificate must be posted in a conspicuous location at the UST facility clearly visible to distributors depositing regulated substances into the UST (OAR 340-150-0150 (Depositing Regulated Substances in USTs));


Prevent spills and overfills (OAR 340-150-0310 (Spill and Overfill Prevention Equipment and Testing Requirements));


Maintain corrosion protection, including testing, record keeping and reporting of test failures (OAR 340-150-0320 (Corrosion Protection Performance Standards for USTs and Piping) and 340-150-0325 (Operation and Maintenance of Corrosion Protection));


Perform release detection for USTs and underground piping, including monitoring, testing and record keeping (OAR 340-150-0400 (General Release Detection Requirements for Petroleum UST Systems) through 340-150-0470 (Other Methods of Release Detection));


Periodically inspect internally lined USTs and report to the department any inspection failures (OAR 340-150-0360 (Requirements for Internally Lined USTs));


Report to the department any suspected release of regulated substances within 24 hours (OAR 340-150-0500 (Reporting Suspected Releases)) and investigate suspected releases within seven days (340-150-0510 (Suspected Release Investigation and Confirmation Steps));


Report to the department any spills, overfills or confirmed releases within 24 hours and investigate or take corrective action as required by:


OAR 340-122-0205 (Cleanup Rules for Leaking Petroleum UST Systems: Purpose) through 340-122-0360 (Cleanup Rules for Leaking Petroleum UST Systems: Reporting Requirements) for petroleum USTs.


OAR 340-122-0010 (Purpose) through 340-122-0115 (Definitions) for USTs containing nonpetroleum regulated substances, except that releases must be reported in accordance with the requirements of OAR chapter 340, division 142.


Repair, modify or replace UST system components as necessary to correct, detect or prevent releases (OAR 340-150-0350 (UST System Repairs) through 340-150-0354 (UST System Replacements));


Continuously maintain a financial responsibility mechanism for petroleum UST systems (OAR chapter 340, division 151);


Allow the department access to the UST facility and records (OAR 340-150-0135 (General Requirements for Owners and Permittees)(2));


Provide information to the department upon request and submit information regarding UST system or UST facility changes (OAR 340-150-0135 (General Requirements for Owners and Permittees)(4) and (5));


Pay all annual compliance fee invoices by the specified due date or be subject to late fees (OAR 340-150-0110 (UST General Permit Registration, Annual Compliance and Other Fees));


Submit application for modification of registration certificate to the department upon any change in ownership of the property, UST system or designated permittee (OAR 340-150-0052 (Modification of Registration Certificates For Changes in Ownership and Permittee)). Failure to submit a request for modification is cause for automatic termination of the operation certificate (OAR 340-150-0102 (Termination of General Permit Registration Certificates for Installation, Operation and Temporary Closure)(1)); and


Comply with all applicable UST operator training requirements (OAR 340-150-0200 (Training Requirements for UST System Operators and Emergency Response Information) or 340-150-0210 (Training Requirements for UST Operators)).


Except as provided by OAR 340-150-0156 (Performance of UST Services by Owners or Permittees), all UST services shall be performed under the supervision of a person licensed as a DEQ UST services supervisor who is working for a company licensed as a DEQ UST services service provider in accordance with OAR chapter 340, division 160.


The permittee may not operate an UST that does not meet the conditions and requirements of the operation certificate and all other applicable rules and statutes. The permittee must:


Immediately take all actions necessary to bring the UST system into compliance; or


Submit a 30-day notice of permanent closure to the department and immediately begin to manage the UST system in compliance with the conditions and requirements of a general permit for permanent closure in accordance with OAR 340-150-0166 or 340-150-0168 (General Permit Requirements for Decommissioning an UST System by Permanent Closure or Change-in-Service).


When an UST system will no longer be operated due to proposed change-in-service, temporary or permanent closure, the permittee must notify the department of the proposal in writing 30 days in advance of the change.


The operation certificate for an UST will terminate upon issuance of a temporary closure certificate or when temporary closure, change-in-service or permanent closure begins (OAR 340-150-0102 (Termination of General Permit Registration Certificates for Installation, Operation and Temporary Closure)(3)).

Source: Rule 340-150-0163 — General Permit Requirements for Operating an UST System, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=340-150-0163.

Purpose and Scope
Applicability and General Requirements
Exemptions and Deferrals
UST General Permit Registration Certificate Required
Termination of Temporary Permits
Modification of Registration Certificates For Changes in Ownership and Permittee
Denial, Suspension or Revocation of General Permit Registration Certificates
Termination of General Permit Registration Certificates for Installation, Operation and Temporary Closure
UST General Permit Registration, Annual Compliance and Other Fees
General Requirements for Owners and Permittees
UST Systems with Field-Constructed Tanks and Airport Hydrant Fuel Distribution Systems
Requirements for Sellers of USTs
Depositing Regulated Substances in USTs
Requirements for Distributors of Regulated Substances for Deposit into USTs
Performance of UST Services by Owners or Permittees
General Permit Requirements for Installing an UST System
General Permit Requirements for Operating an UST System
General Permit Requirements for Temporary Closure of an UST System
General Permit Requirements for Decommissioning an UST System by Permanent Closure or Change-in-Service
Site Assessment Requirements
Training Requirements for UST System Operators and Emergency Response Information
Training Requirements for UST Operators
Expedited Enforcement Process
Installation of Used USTs
Spill and Overfill Prevention Equipment and Testing Requirements
Periodic operation and maintenance walkthrough inspections
Corrosion Protection Performance Standards for USTs and Piping
Operation and Maintenance of Corrosion Protection
UST System Repairs
UST System Modifications and Additions
UST System Replacements
Requirements for Internally Lined USTs
General Release Detection Requirements for Petroleum UST Systems
Release Detection Requirements and Methods for Underground Piping
Release Detection Requirements for Hazardous Substance UST Systems
Inventory Control Method of Release Detection
Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Method of Release Detection
Manual Tank Gauging Release Detection Method
Tank Tightness Testing for Release Detection and Investigation
Automatic Tank Gauging Release Detection Method
Interstitial Monitoring Release Detection Method
Other Methods of Release Detection
Reporting Suspected Releases
Suspected Release Investigation and Confirmation Steps
Investigation Due to Off Site Impacts
Applicability to Previously Closed UST Systems
Definitions for OAR 340-150-0555 and 340-150-0560
Compliance Dates for USTs and Piping
Upgrading Requirements for Existing UST Systems
Delegation of Program Administration
Approval of More Stringent Performance Standards
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 340-150-0163’s source at or​.us