OAR 411-040-0010

Unless the context indicates otherwise, the following definitions apply to the rules in OAR chapter 411, division 040:


“Approved Carrier” means the United States Postal Service, or other carrier, who can ensure providers have passed criminal background checks to protect the well-being of the Medicaid eligible participant. Use of an Approved Carrier must be approved by the Department, Aging and People with Disabilities or the Area Agency on Aging (AAA).


“Client Liability” means the dollar amount participants with excess income must contribute to the cost of service pursuant to OAR 461-160-0610 (Client Liability; OSIPM (except OSIPM-EPD)) and 461-160-0620 (Income Deductions and Client Liability; Long-Term Care Services or Home and Community-Based Care; OSIPM).


“Department” means the Department of Human Services (DHS).


“Homebound” means that leaving home is a significant effort to the point that leaving home unassisted is not normally possible.


“Home Delivered Meals” means meals that are delivered to a Medicaid eligible participant in their own home or apartment per 411-040-0035 (Meal Requirements) of this rule.


“Meal preparation” means safely preparing food as defined in 411-015-0007 (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living)(6).


“Medicaid eligible individual” means a participant who meets the eligibility criteria defined in OAR 411-015-0000 (Purpose) through 411-015-0100 (Eligibility for Nursing Facility or Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services).


“Medicaid Home Delivered Meal Provider” means an approved home delivered meal provider that meets the qualifications in these rules and has an active Medicaid provider number.


“Natural Supports” means resources and supports (e.g. relatives, friends, significant others, neighbors, roommates, or the community) who are willing to voluntarily provide services to an individual without the expectation of compensation. Natural supports are identified in collaboration with the individual and the potential “natural support”. The natural support is required to have the skills, knowledge and ability to provide the needed services and supports.


“Nutrition education” means a program to promote better health by providing accurate and culturally sensitive nutrition, physical fitness, or health (as it relates to nutrition) information and instruction to participants, caregivers, or participants and caregivers in a group or individual setting overseen by a dietitian or individual of comparable expertise.


“Nutrition screening survey" means the act of screening a participant’s nutrition risk.


“Participant” means a Medicaid eligible individual receiving Medicaid home delivered meals.


“Provider” means Medicaid home delivered meal provider.

Source: Rule 411-040-0010 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-040-0010’s source at