OAR 411-040-0037
Staff and Volunteer Requirements


Prior to having direct contact with participants, staff and volunteers must successfully pass a criminal background check.


All staff and volunteers involved in food preparation will have training in:


Portion control;


FDA Food Code practices for sanitary handling of food;


Oregon food safety requirements; and


Agency safety policies and procedures.


All staff and volunteers having direct contact with a participant will have training in:


Protecting confidentiality;


How to report concerns, which may include: change of condition; self-neglect, and abuse, to appropriate staff for follow-up; and


When to report to the case manager any participants considered high risk, as a result of the nutrition risk assessment.

Source: Rule 411-040-0037 — Staff and Volunteer Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-040-0037’s source at