OAR 411-040-0020
Client Eligibility and Responsibilities


To be eligible for Medicaid home delivered meals a participant must:


Be Medicaid eligible per 411-015-0100 (Eligibility for Nursing Facility or Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services), and be receiving Medicaid long term services and supports in their own home;


Be home-bound;


Be unable to do meal preparation on a regular basis without assistance; and


Not have natural supports available that are willing and able to provide meal preparation services.


To remain eligible for home delivered meals, participants are responsible for payment of their specified monthly client liability amount so home-delivered meals can be authorized.


If the participant is determined ineligible for Medicaid home delivered meals, but needs food assistance, the case manager shall refer the participant to the nearest Aging and Disability Resource Connection for assistance.

Source: Rule 411-040-0020 — Client Eligibility and Responsibilities, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-040-0020’s source at