OAR 411-040-0030
Medicaid Home Delivered Meal Provider Qualifications and Responsibilities


To be in alignment with the provision of services, home delivered meal providers must have contracts with, or be, an AAA as defined in 411-002-0100 (Definitions Relating to the Designation of Planning and Service Areas)(1).


The provider must be in compliance, during all stages of food service operation, with applicable federal, state and local regulations, codes, and licensor requirements relating to fire; health; sanitation; safety; building and other provisions relating to the public health, safety, and welfare of meal patrons.


The provider must demonstrate that menu standards are developed to sustain and improve a participant’s health through the provision of safe and nutritious meals that are approved by a dietician.


Each provider must be an enrolled Medicaid provider approved to provide Medicaid home delivered meals.


The provider must ensure that all requirements in OAR 411-040-0035 (Meal Requirements) through 411-040-0037 (Staff and Volunteer Requirements) are met.


Providers must ensure that anyone who delivers meals:


Have passed a background check as defined in OAR 407-007-0275 (Convictions Under ORS 443.004 Resulting in Ineligibility for Aging and People with Disabilities Program and Developmental Disabilities Program SIs); or


Uses an approved carrier.


All requests for Medicaid home delivered meals received by the provider must be referred to the Department or the Medicaid AAA office for prior authorization.


Meal providers must not solicit program income or voluntary donations from Medicaid eligible participants.

Source: Rule 411-040-0030 — Medicaid Home Delivered Meal Provider Qualifications and Responsibilities, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-040-0030’s source at