OAR 411-054-0010
Licensing Standard


No individual, entity, or governmental unit acting individually or jointly with any other individual, entity, or governmental unit may establish, maintain, conduct, or operate a residential care or assisted living facility, use the term residential care or assisted living facility, or hold itself out as being a residential care or assisted living facility or as providing residential care or assisted living services, without being duly licensed as such.


Each license to operate a residential care or assisted living facility shall expire two years following the date of issuance unless revoked, suspended, terminated earlier, or issued for a shorter specified period.


Each residential care and assisted living facility must be licensed, maintained, and operated as a separate and distinct facility.


A license may not be required for a building, complex, or distinct part thereof, where six or more individuals reside where activities of daily living assistance and health services are not offered or provided by the facility.


Facility representatives and written materials may not purport that such care and services are offered or provided by the facility.


Prospective and actual tenants must have no expectations that such care and services are offered or shall be provided by the facility.


The Department’s Director shall determine whether a residential care or assisted living facility license is required in cases where the definition of a facility’s operations is in dispute.


NOT TRANSFERABLE. No residential care or assisted living facility license is transferable or applicable to any location, facility, management agent, or ownership other than that indicated on the application and license.


SEPARATE BUILDINGS. Separate licenses are not required for separate buildings of the same license type located contiguously and operated as an integrated unit by the same licensee. Distinct staffing plans are required for each building.


IDENTIFICATION. Every facility must have distinct identification or name and must notify the Department of any intention to change such identification.


DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. A residential care or assisted living facility licensed by the Department may neither assume a descriptive title nor be held under any descriptive title other than what is permitted within the scope of its license.


RESIDENT DISPLACEMENT DUE TO REMODELING. The licensee must notify the Department 90 days prior to a remodel or renovation of part of a facility if there shall be a disruption to residents in the facility (for example: residents must be temporarily moved to another room overnight). During a non-emergent remodel, if any residents need to be moved from their rooms, the residents must continue to be housed in another area of the facility and may not be moved to another care setting.




For a non-emergent remodel, the licensee must submit a written proposal for remodeling or renovation to the Department. The proposal must include:
A specific plan as to where residents shall be housed within the existing facility. For those providers who have several buildings on the same campus, a move to a different building of the same license type within the campus setting is allowed, as long as the resident agrees to the move;
A specific plan outlining the extended details of the renovation or remodeling; and
A timeline for completion of the project. If the project is expected to take longer than three months, the licensee must provide a monthly update to the Department. The maximum time allowed for a renovation or remodel is one year from the date of the Department’s approval. The Department may approve renovations that exceed one year.


The licensee must give the residents written notice 60 days prior to beginning any non-emergent remodel that shall displace the residents. The notice must include:
Where the residents shall be moved;
The approximate length of time of the remodel; and
Assurance that the residents shall be able to return to their own rooms when the remodel is completed, if the residents choose to do so.


The licensee must submit an outline of the work to be completed, construction documents, and any necessary drawings if required by the scope of work, to the Facilities Planning and Safety Program (FPS). FPS has 15 business days for review.


The licensee must comply with the rules in OAR chapter 333, division 675 (Project Plans and Construction Review) and all other structural requirements when remodeling.


Nothing in this rule is intended to preclude the Department from taking other regulatory action on a violation of the licensing requirements in these rules during the time of remodeling or renovation.




When an emergency or disaster requires all residents of a facility or part of a facility to be immediately evacuated while remodeling occurs, the licensee must:
Provide the Department written details regarding the transfer of residents within two working days of the emergency or disaster;
Submit a plan regarding the details for remodel or if necessary, a plan for permanent closure, to the Department within two weeks;
Contact FPS to determine if drawings need to be submitted based on the scope of the remodel; and
Assure that any residents who were transferred out of the facility shall be moved back to the facility when compliance with all building requirements of these rules is met.


All residents who have been transferred out of the facility must be notified in writing, at the last address known to the facility, as to when the residents shall be able to return to the facility.


The facility must ensure the safe transfer of residents from and back to the facility and bear all costs of the moves.


A refusal by a facility to allow a resident to return after the resident has been transferred out of the facility due to an emergent closure shall be regarded as an involuntary move out:
For an involuntary move out, the facility must comply with the requirements of OAR 411-054-0080 (Involuntary Move-out Criteria); and
The resident shall have all rights provided in OAR 411-054-0080 (Involuntary Move-out Criteria).


In the event of an emergent closure, the Department may renew the existing license for a period not to exceed two years from the renewal date.


PERMANENT FACILITY CLOSURE. A facility is considered closed if the licensee is no longer providing services and the residents have moved out or must be moved from the facility.


The licensee must submit a written proposal for approval to the Department 60 days prior to permanent closure. The proposal must specify the plan for safe transfer of all residents.


The licensee must notify the residents at least 60 days prior to facility closure.


If the facility is closed and no residents are in the facility, the facility is considered unlicensed.


NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY OR FORECLOSURE. The licensee must notify the Department in writing within 10 days after receipt of any notice of foreclosure or trustee notification of sale with respect to a real estate contract, trust deed, mortgage, or other security interest affecting the property of the licensee, as defined in OAR 411-054-0005 (Definitions). The written notice to the Department must include a copy of the notice provided to the licensee.


The licensee must update the Department in writing not less often than every 90 days thereafter until the matter is resolved and the default has been resolved and no additional defaults have been declared or actions threatened. The update must include:


The latest status on what action has been or is about to be taken by the licensee with respect to the notice received;


What action is being demanded or threatened by the holder of the security interest; and


Any other information reasonably requested by the Department related to maintaining resident health and safety.


The licensee must update the Department upon final resolution of the matters leading up to or encompassed by the notice of foreclosure or trustee notification of sale.


The licensee must notify the Department and all residents of the facility in writing immediately upon:


The filing of any litigation regarding such security interest, including the filing of a bankruptcy petition by or against the licensee or an entity owning any property occupied or used by the licensee;


The entry of any judgment with respect to such litigation; or


The outcome of the judgment or settlement.
Licensing Standard
Requirements for New Construction or Initial Licensure
Application for Initial Licensure and License Renewal
New Applicant Qualifications
Change of Ownership or Management
Facility Administration
Notice to Potential Residents
Resident Rights and Protections
Abuse Reporting and Investigation
Resident Services
Resident Move-In and Evaluation
Service Plan — General
Individually-Based Limitations
Change of Condition and Monitoring
Resident Health Services
Infection Prevention and Control
Medications and Treatments
Restraints and Supportive Devices
Administrator Qualifications and Requirements
Staffing Requirements and Training
Involuntary Move-out Criteria
Refunds and Financial Management
Fire and Life Safety
Emergency and Disaster Planning
Exceptions and Waivers
Inspections and Investigations
Regulatory Framework
Civil Penalties
Non-Renewal, Denial, Suspension or Revocation of License
Temporary Manager
Criminal Penalties
Additional Authority
Residential Care Facility Building Requirements
Assisted Living Facility Building Requirements
Quality Measurement Program and Council
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-054-0010’s source at or​.us