OAR 411-085-0330
Residents’ Rights: Visitor Access


DEFINITION. As used in this rule, “full and free access” means access to the fullest extent possible without undue adverse interference on the operation of the facility.


FULL ACCESS. The facility must permit individuals and groups full and free access to:


Inform residents of their rights and entitlements, and their corresponding obligations, under federal and state laws by means of distribution of educational materials and discussion in groups and with individual residents;


Assist, advise and represent residents in obtaining public assistance, medical assistance, social security benefits and in asserting resident rights. Assistance may be provided to residents individually or in groups.


RIGHT TO REFUSE. The resident has the right to refuse contact with any individual or group who otherwise has access to the facility under this rule. The refusal to communicate with any individual or group must be made directly by the resident unless the resident’s medical record clearly documents the reasons for not doing so.


SOLICITATION. This rule is not intended to allow access to persons or organizations whose primary purpose is to solicit purchase of services or products, or solicit contributions, from the residents or staff.

Source: Rule 411-085-0330 — Residents’ Rights: Visitor Access, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-085-0330.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-085-0330’s source at or​.us