OAR 413-040-0430
Informed Consent


No person shall submit the blood of an individual to an HIV test without first obtaining informed consent or ascertaining that informed consent is obtained, consistent with subsection (7) of this rule.


As legal custodian and guardian of the child, the Department may grant medical consent and authorize medical treatment. Children 13 years of age or older should be included in this planning and also consent. The Department must have a medical statement that the HIV test is necessary for care and treatment before ordering or arranging for a test. If the Department orders or arranges for an HIV test, informed consent procedures must be followed. A minor of any age may consent to a HIV test; and when the minor’s consent is given, the consent of the minor’s parents or guardians is not necessary for diagnosis, care or treatment. However, such consent must be informed consent.


In all cases involving a child old enough to give informed consent, the worker shall try to obtain the consent of the child. However, if the physician and Department staff believe an HIV test is necessary to provide information necessary for the care of the child, and that child objects to the test and will not consent, the following options are available:


SDA Manager or designee after consultation with the child’s physician, may consent to the test for the child over the child’s objection (413-020-0150 (Exercise and Delegation of Guardian Authority)(c)(A)(iii)); or


The worker may petition the court to order the child to be tested.


Department staff are responsible to assure that informed consent is obtained when children in Department custody are to be given an HIV test. If the medical provider does not obtain the informed consent, Department staff shall do so or arrange for it to be done prior to the test.


If a child is placed pursuant to a Voluntary Custody Agreement or a Voluntary Placement Agreement, the parent and the child retain the authority to consent to the test. The Department does not have the authority to consent to the test on behalf of the parent unless such authority is included in the express terms of the Agreement.


Providers are not authorized to consent to a child’s HIV test.


Informed consent shall be obtained in the following manner, giving consideration to the child’s age and ability to understand:


Provide the person for his/her retention a copy of the CF 990, HIV Test Informed Consent.


Orally summarize for the person the substance of the statements in the CF 990 and specify alternatives to the HIV test in the particular instance, and if the test information will be disclosed to others, who those others will be.


Explain the risks from having the HIV test. This shall include a description of Oregon law pertaining to the confidentiality of information about an individual having the test and that individual’s test results; a statement that there may be circumstances under which disclosure might be permitted or required without consent; and a statement of the potential consequences in regards to insurability, employment, and social discrimination if the HIV test results become known to others.


Inform the person that he or she has the right to request additional information from a knowledgeable person before giving consent.


Ask the person to be tested whether he/she has any further questions, and if so, provide a full and complete opportunity to ask those questions and receive answers from a person who is sufficiently knowledgeable to give accurate and complete answers about AIDS, HIV tests and the consequences of being tested or not tested.


Have the person sign the CF 990, HIV Test Informed Consent, after having had an opportunity to read it.


Maintain the signed CF 990 for at least seven years in a locked file separate from the case file.
Requirements for the Conditions for Return and the Protective Capacity Assessment
Requirements for a Family Engagement Meeting
Requirements for the Case Plan
Requirements of Action Agreements
Replacing or Adding Impending Danger Safety Threats During Ongoing Case Management
Requirements for Review of the Case Plan
Requirements for Return and Reunification
Requirements for an In-home Ongoing Safety Plan Prior to Return and Next Day Contact
Requirements for Closing the In-Home Ongoing Safety Plan and Closing the Case
Administrative Reviews for Title IV and ORS 419A.090 et seq.
Responsibility for Administrative Reviews
Permanency Hearings by the Court
Court Notification of Placement Changes
Participant Notification of Administrative Reviews, Permanency Hearings, and Review Hearings
Participants in Administrative Reviews and Permanency Hearings
Documentation Requirements for Administrative Reviews and Permanency Hearings
Notification and Distribution Requirements for Administrative Reviews and Permanency Hearings
Judicial Requirements for Voluntary Custody Agreement or Child Placement Agreement
The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) -- History and Purpose
Placements Subject to the ICPC
Delay, Denial, Termination, Reversal of ICPC Placement Approval, Appeal
Placement of Oregon Children
Financial and Medical Responsibility
Travel Arrangements and Reimbursement for Transportation Expenses
Placement of Children or Young Adults from Other States in Oregon
Independent and Private Agency Adoptions
ICPC Case Closure
HIV Antibody Testing
Informed Consent
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-040-0430’s source at or​.us