OAR 413-090-0021
Periodic Review of Eligibility for Level of Care Payments


When the Department conducts a CANS screening for a child or young adult in substitute care under subsection (1)(b) of OAR 413-020-0230 (Referral for and Review of the CANS Screening) and the results indicate the child or young adult’s level of care has changed, the Department adjusts the child or young adult’s level of care payment as follows:


When a level of care payment increases, change in payment begins the first day of the month in which the increased level of care payment was approved.


When a level of care payment decreases, change in payment begins the first day of the month following the month in which the decreased level of care payment was approved unless continuing benefits have been requested through a request for a contested case hearing.


When the Department determines, denies, adjusts, or terminates a level of care payment to a child or young adult living with a certified family, the Department follows OAR 413-010-0500 (Purpose, Right to Request Hearing, Applicable Rules, and Computation of Time) to 413-010-0535 (Proposed and Final Orders).


A CANS screening may be conducted for a child or young adult living with a potential guardian, a guardian, a pre-adoptive family, or an adoptive family when a referral is received pursuant to OAR 413-020-0230 (Referral for and Review of the CANS Screening)(3).

Source: Rule 413-090-0021 — Periodic Review of Eligibility for Level of Care Payments, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-090-0021’s source at