OAR 413-090-0380
Children in Non-Reimbursed Placement at Oregon State Hospital and Other Non-Reimbursed Providers


The Department has established a procedure to provide personal allowances for children who are in custody of the Department and are placed in a non-reimbursed placement at SAIP, SCIP, and other non-reimbursed providers.




Determine if the children have benefits or resource coming in to their trust account. The Department staff can use the IFDF screen to see if the child has a balance in his/her trust account. If there is money in the trust account, the worker can initiate a CF 198 (Trust Action) monthly to receive payment for the child. Maximum monthly amount is not to exceed $30.00;


If the child does not have any benefits or resources coming in, then the allowance payment may be made from “Payments for Special and/or Extraordinary Needs” using the individual the Department location cost center and an object code of 980.092, Personal Allowance. (This is an EAS object code). Department staff would initiate payment by completing a CF 294 (Administrative Expense Voucher) monthly, including the child’s case number and person letter. Maximum monthly amount would be $30.00.

Source: Rule 413-090-0380 — Children in Non-Reimbursed Placement at Oregon State Hospital and Other Non-Reimbursed Providers, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-090-0380’s source at