OAR 413-090-0050
Out-of-State Payment to a Certified Family Moving to Another State


A certified family who receives Department approval to move out-of-state with a child or young adult who the Department has placed in the home may continue to receive base rate and level of care for that child or young adult for up to 180 days or until licensed or certified in the receiving state, whichever is earlier.


The Foster Care Program Manager or Foster Care Program Assistant Manager may extend the 180 day limit for continuing to receive current base rate payment and level of care payment when the licensure or certification process in the receiving state has not been completed due to circumstances beyond the control of the Department.


Once the home is licensed or certified in the receiving state, the Department authorizes payment at Oregon’s established base rate payment and level of care payment rates.

Source: Rule 413-090-0050 — Out-of-State Payment to a Certified Family Moving to Another State, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-090-0050’s source at