OAR 413-200-0308
Personal Qualifications of Applicants and Certified Resource Families

(1) Applicants have the burden of proving they possess the required qualifications to be approved as a certified resource family or as a potential adoptive resource.
(2) Applicants must, as determined by the Department pursuant to OAR 413-200-0274 (Assessment for Approval of an Adoptive Resource or Issuance of a Certificate of Approval or Child-Specific Certificate of Approval) to OAR 413-200-0298 (Confidentiality of Applicant or Certified Resource Family Information):
(a) Exercise sound judgment and demonstrate responsible, stable, emotionally mature behavior;
(b) Manage the home and personal life;
(c) Possess the ability to apply the reasonable and prudent parent standard when determining whether to allow a child or young adult in the care or custody of the Department to participate in extracurricular, enrichment, cultural, and social activities;
(d) Maintain conditions in the home that provide for the safety, health, and well-being for the child or young adult in the care or custody of the Department and be able to meet the safety, health, and well-being needs for that child or young adult;
(e) Have supportive relationships with adults and children living in the household and with others in the community;
(f) Have a lifestyle and personal habits free of criminal activity, and abuse or misuse of alcohol or drugs;
(g) Have adequate financial resources to support the household; financial resources are not limited to income from employment.
(h) Be willing to participate in the assessment process that includes a comprehensive inquiry into the personal and family history including family dynamics;
(i) Have the physical and mental capacity to care for a child or young adult in the care or custody of the Department. Upon request, be willing to provide copies of medical reports from a health care professional, and be willing to participate in an expert evaluation and authorize the Department to obtain a report from the evaluator;
(j) Demonstrate an ability to learn and apply effective childrearing and behavior intervention practices focused on helping a child or young adult in the care and custody of the Department grow, develop, and build positive personal relationships and self-esteem;
(k) Respect, accept and support the race, spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, disabilities, national origin, cultural identities, immigration status and socioeconomic status of a child or young adult in the care or custody of the Department, and provide opportunities to enhance the positive self-concept and understanding of the child or young adult’s heritage; and
(L) Assure that all members of the household, excluding a child or young adult in the care or custody of the Department:
(A) Exercise sound judgment and demonstrate responsible, stable, emotionally mature behavior, within the individual’s developmental and cognitive abilities;
(B) Do not pose a risk to the safety, health, and well-being needs of a child or young adult in the care or custody of the Department;
(C) Have a lifestyle and personal habits free of criminal activity, and abuse or misuse of alcohol or drugs; and
(D) Cooperate with the Department’s assessment of the household.
(3) To maintain certification, in addition to continuing to meet the personal qualifications listed in sections (2) of this rule, a certified resource family must:
(a) Incorporate into the family’s care-giving practices positive non-punitive discipline and ways of helping a child or young adult placed with the certified resource family build positive personal relationships, self-control, and self-esteem;
(b) Ensure the child or young adult placed with the certified resource family is taught age appropriate health and hygiene practices and is given the opportunity to practice good hygiene;
(c) Ensure the child or young adult placed with the certified resource family has regular, ongoing opportunities to engage in age-appropriate or developmentally-appropriate activities, including extracurricular, enrichment, cultural, and social activities;
(d) Respect and support the Department’s efforts to develop and maintain the relationships of the child or young adult placed with the certified resource family with their birth family, their siblings, their relatives, and any other significant individual in the life of the child or young adult;
(e) Work in partnership with the Department to identify the strengths and meet the needs of each child or young adult placed with the certified resource family;
(f) Follow Department direction and comply with prescribed services and activities in the case plan, including, but not limited to supervision plans, personal care services plans, visitation plans, transition plans, and restrictions for - each child or young adult placed with the certified resource family, as applicable to that child or young adult;
(g) Follow through with any placement support plan; and
(h) Use reasonable efforts to prevent anyone from influencing any child or young adult regarding allegations in a judicial or administrative proceeding in which the family or legal guardian of the child or young adult or another individual may be involved.

Source: Rule 413-200-0308 — Personal Qualifications of Applicants and Certified Resource Families, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=413-200-0308.

Responsibilities for Assessment and Certification
Assessment for Approval of an Adoptive Resource or Issuance of a Certificate of Approval or Child-Specific Certificate of Approval
Assessment for Issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Approval
Assessment to Move from a Temporary Certificate of Approval to a Certificate of Approval or Child-Specific Certificate of Approval
Responsibility to Determine the Maximum Number of Children or Young Adults in a Certified Resource Family Home
Respite Care Providers, Child Care, and Babysitters
Responsibilities to Monitor Certification Compliance
Responsibilities When Developing a Placement Support Plan
Assessment for Renewal of Certification
Responsibilities Regarding Withdrawal of an Application, Termination of a Certification
Responsibilities Regarding a Previously Certified Resource Family and When a Certified Resource Family Moves
Responsibilities Regarding Inactive Referral Status
Responsibilities Regarding Denial or Revocation of a Certification
Confidentiality of Applicant or Certified Resource Family Information
Purpose and Applicability of Certification Standards
Eligibility for Certified Resource Families and Adoptive Resources
Personal Qualifications of Applicants and Certified Resource Families
Initial Application Process to Become a Certified Resource Family or Adoptive Resource
Standards Regarding the Home Environment
Requirements Regarding the Number of Children and Young Adults in the Home
Requirements for the Care of Children and Young Adults
Requirements Regarding the Education of a Child or Young Adult
Requirements Regarding Extracurricular, Enrichment, Cultural, and Social Activities
Requirements Regarding the Discipline of a Child or Young Adult
Requirements Regarding the Medical, Dental, and Mental Health Care of a Child or Young Adult
Responsibilities and Notification Requirements for Selection and Use of Respite Care Providers Child Care, and Babysitters
Education and Training for Applicants and Certified Resouce Families
Other Required Notifications
Requirements Regarding Mandatory Reporting
Requirements Regarding Visits in the Certified Resource Family’s Home
Requirements Regarding Renewal of the Certificate of Approval
Requirements Regarding Inactive Referral Status
Requirements Regarding Termination of a Certificate of Approval
Requirements Regarding Contested Case Hearings
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-200-0308’s source at