OAR 416-800-0010


Approved: Pursuant to a preliminary Fitness Determination under OAR 416-800-0041 (Preliminary Fitness Determination) or a final Fitness Determination under OAR 416-800-0050 (Final Fitness Determination), OYA has determined that the Subject Individual is fit to be an employee, Volunteer, Foster Care Provider, contractor, or vendor in a position covered by OAR 416-800-0020 (Subject Individuals).


Conviction: A final judgment on a verdict or finding of guilty, a plea of guilty, a plea of nolo contendere (no contest), or any determination of guilt entered by a court of law against a Subject Individual in a criminal case, unless that judgment has been reversed or set aside by a subsequent court decision.


Criminal Records Check: One or more of the following processes undertaken to check the criminal history of a Subject Individual:


Computerized Criminal Records Check: A check of Criminal Offender Information conducted through use of the Law Enforcement Data Systems (LEDS), including information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) National Crime Information Center (NCIC), and the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS).


Fingerprint-based Criminal Records Check: A national check of federal Criminal Offender Information through the submission of fingerprints and other identifying data, conducted by the Oregon Department of State Police through the Federal Bureau of Investigation or otherwise at OYA’s request.


Denied: A determination by OYA pursuant to a preliminary Fitness Determination under OAR 416-800-0041 (Preliminary Fitness Determination) or a final Fitness Determination under OAR 416-800-0050 (Final Fitness Determination), that the Subject Individual is not fit to be an employee, Volunteer, Foster Care Provider, contractor, or vendor in a position covered by OAR 416-800-0020 (Subject Individuals).


False Statement: In association with an activity governed by these rules, a Subject Individual either: (a) provided OYA with materially false information about his or her criminal history, such as, but not limited to, materially false information about his or her identity or Conviction record; or (b) failed to provide to OYA information material to determining his or her criminal history.


Fitness Determination: A determination made pursuant to the process established in OAR 416-800-0041 (Preliminary Fitness Determination) (preliminary Fitness Determination) or 416-800-0050 (Final Fitness Determination) (final Fitness Determination) that a Subject Individual is or is not fit to be an employee, Volunteer, contractor, vendor, or Foster Care Provider in a position covered by OAR 416-800-0020 (Subject Individuals).


Foster Care Provider: A person who supervises a youth offender in a youth offender foster home setting, including proctor parents as defined in OAR 416-530-0110 (Certification Standards for Private Youth Care Agencies: Definitions)(4); transitional care respite providers as defined in OAR 416-530-0200 (Certification Standards for Transitional Care Providers)(2)(d); transitional care providers as defined in OAR 416-530-0200 (Certification Standards for Transitional Care Providers)(2)(f); and foster parents as defined in 416-530-0010 (Definitions)(12).


Member of the Household: Any person, other than an OYA offender, who lives in an OYA offender’s home, on the property where an OYA offender’s home is located, is a frequent visitor to the home or who assists in the care provided to an OYA offender including but not limited to Volunteers or a person providing services such as tutoring, recreation, relief care, household chores, or other services, whether paid or unpaid.


Subject Individual: An individual identified in OAR 416-800-0020 (Subject Individuals) as someone from whom OYA may require a Criminal Records Check.


Volunteers: Persons who, as defined in OAR 416-450-0010, provide services to OYA on a non-paid basis.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-800-0010’s source at or​.us