OAR 416-530-0010

The following definitions apply to terms used in OAR chapter 416, division 530.


Applicant: A person who applies for youth offender foster home certification to operate and maintain a foster home for youth offenders.


Case plan: A formal plan with prescribed interventions and documentation requirements and a tool to assist staff in managing cases, setting goals and reviewing youth offenders’ interventions and progress.


Certification process: The process of initial application or recertification to operate and maintain a youth offender foster home.


Computerized criminal records check: The access and use of automated or manual files, or associated systems available to OYA as a criminal justice agency through the Law Enforcement Data Systems (LEDS) including online information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the Department of Human Services Child Welfare Information System (OR-Kids), and the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS).


Contraband: Any article or thing which a youth offender is prohibited by statute, rule, policy, Juvenile Parole/Probation Agreement, or order, from obtaining, possessing, or which the youth offender is not specifically authorized to obtain or possess, or which the youth offender alters without authorization.


Criminal records check: The process used by OYA to conduct criminal records background checks on persons pursuant to these rules and OAR chapter 416, division 800, including computerized and fingerprint-based processes.


Deadly weapon: Any instrument, article or substance specifically designed for, and presently capable of, causing death or serious physical injury.


Denial: An action by OYA to deny youth offender foster home certification or re-certification.


Discipline: A process by which foster parents and OYA sanction youth offenders for non-compliance with established rules of the foster home and conditions of probation or parole. Such sanctions assist youth offenders in developing the self-control and self-direction necessary to assume responsibilities, make appropriate daily living decisions, and learn to live in conformity with accepted levels of social behavior.


Domestic animals: Any of various animals domesticated so as to live and breed in a tame condition as household pets. Examples of domestic animals include but are not limited to dogs, cats, and horses.


Foster care maintenance payment: A monthly payment to the foster parent to defray expenses such as the youth offender’s room, board, clothing, allowance, personal incidentals, transportation, respite services, educational supplies, and other costs approved by OYA.


Foster Home Certifier: The OYA staff member responsible for the recruitment, training, certification, support and supervision of OYA foster homes.


Foster parent: A person certified by OYA who demonstrates special competence to supervise youth offenders with serious social or behavioral maladaptive characteristics in a youth offender foster home setting.


Frequent visitor: A person who regularly visits a foster home more than five hours a week when youth offenders placed in the foster home are present.


Home study: An assessment, conducted prior to issuance of a Youth Offender Foster Home Certificate, to determine an applicant’s ability and suitability to provide foster care services to youth offenders


Inactive referral status: A temporary change in the terms of youth offender foster home certification that precludes new referrals of youth offenders to the home.


Information required: All information requested by OYA, including information used to conduct criminal records checks.


Inhalant delivery system: A device used to deliver nicotine or cannabinoids in the form of a vapor or aerosol to a person inhaling from the device. Does not include any product that has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco cessation product or for any other therapeutic purpose, if the product is marketed and sold solely for the approved purpose.


Juvenile Probation/Parole Officer (JPPO): The OYA case manager who works with the youth offender and the youth offender’s family and the community while the youth offender is in OYA custody.


Mechanical restraint: Any apparatus, device, or contraption applied or affixed to a youth offender to limit movement.


Member of the household: Any person, other than a youth offender, who lives in the youth offender foster home, on the property where the youth offender foster home is located, is a frequent visitor to the foster home or who assists in the care provided to a youth offender.


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT): A group of persons including, but not limited to, OYA staff, the youth offender’s biological and foster family and service providers responsible for developing, reviewing and revising comprehensive case plans for youth offenders.


Psychotropic medications: Medication prescribed with the intent to affect or alter thought processes, mood, or behavior, including but not limited to, anti-psychotic, antidepressant, and anxiolytic medication and behavior medications. The classification of a medication depends upon its stated, intended effect when prescribed because it may have many different effects.


Records: Any information in written or electronic form, pictures, photographs, charts, graphs, recordings, or documents pertaining to a youth offender’s case.


Respite care: A temporary arrangement between a foster parent and an OYA-certified respite provider to allow the foster parent(s) time away from a youth offender.


Respite provider: An individual, at least 21 years of age and certified by OYA, who temporarily assists with supervision of one or more youth offenders when the foster parent is not available or is spending time away from a youth offender.


Revocation: An action taken by OYA to rescind a Youth Offender Foster Home Certificate based on non-compliance with statute, administrative rule or the Youth Offender Foster Home Agreement.


Second-hand smoke or vapor: Smoke or vapor that is exhaled by a smoker or inhalant delivery system user, or originates from a product that a person is using to which a second person is exposed, and includes smoke or vapor from a cigarette, cigar, pipe, inhalant delivery system, or other material.


Sex trafficking: The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.


Structured supervision: Supervision and knowledge of the approved whereabouts of a youth offender by a certified foster parent while the youth offender engages in daily living activities or recreation.


Suspension: A temporary withdrawal of a youth offender foster home certification by OYA pending determination of the foster parent’s non-compliance with statute, administrative rule or the Youth Offender Foster Home Agreement.


Termination: An action taken by OYA or the foster parent to terminate the Youth Offender Foster Home Agreement.


Volunteer: Any person who is not a foster parent or member of the household and who assists youth offenders in the home with activities for no compensation and under foster parent supervision.


Youth offender: A person who has been found to be within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court under ORS 419C.005 (Jurisdiction) for an act committed when the person was under 18 years of age.


Vulnerable person: Includes but is not limited to a child, elderly person, person with a disability or person residing in a long term care facility as defined in ORS 442.015 (Definitions), a residential facility as defined in ORS 443.400 (Definitions for ORS 443.400 to 443.455), including but not limited to an assisted living facility, or an adult foster home as defined in ORS 443.705 (Definitions for ORS 443.705 to 443.825).


Youth offender: A person who has been found to be within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court under ORS 419C.005 (Jurisdiction) for an act committed when the person was under 18 years of age.


Youth Offender Foster Home Agreement: A written agreement between OYA and the foster parent stating mutual expectations of the parties.


Youth Offender Foster Home Certificate: A certificate of approval, issued by OYA, granting approval to operate and maintain a youth offender foster home or provide respite care.


Youth offender foster home: A home in the community that is maintained and lived in by an OYA-certified foster parent who provides supervision, food, and lodging for a youth offender in that home.


Youth Offender Foster Home Agreement: A written agreement between OYA and the foster parent stating mutual expectations of the parties.


Youth Offender Foster Home Certificate: A certificate of approval, issued by OYA, granting approval to operate and maintain a youth offender foster home or provide respite care.

Source: Rule 416-530-0010 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-530-0010’s source at