OAR 471-010-0100
Customer Information and Disclosure: Information Collection


The department shall only collect and maintain customer information that is relevant and necessary to administer ORS Chapter 657 (Unemployment Insurance) and Chapter 657A.


In addition to the mandatory disclosure of social security numbers required under OAR 471-030-0025 (Claimant’s Responsibilities), the department may request that customers voluntarily provide their social security number to facilitate program administration, including research and statistical data or for such other purposes as are disclosed to the customer. The department shall not refuse to provide a benefit or service to any customer that refuses a voluntary request to provide his or her social security number.

Source: Rule 471-010-0100 — Customer Information and Disclosure: Information Collection, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=471-010-0100.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 471-010-0100’s source at or​.us