OAR 471-010-0125
Customer Information and Disclosure: Audit Authority and Written Agreements With Entities Having Access to Employment Department Information


All written agreements with entities other than the Internal Revenue Service and “Hosted Workers” that have access to Employment Department information shall stipulate that, no less than once a year, the entity shall conduct an audit of the processes by which the entity implements the agreement(s). The audits shall include, but are not limited to:


How access to Employment Department information is granted;


How access to Employment Department information is controlled;


Why access to Employment Department information is granted, based on OAR 471-010-0105 (Customer Information and Disclosure: General Disclosures) & ORS 657.665 (Confidentiality of information);


Who is authorized to grant & revoke access to Employment Department information;


What specific programs within the entity need access to Employment Department information;


Which specific positions within the programs referenced in OAR 471-010-0125 (Customer Information and Disclosure: Audit Authority and Written Agreements With Entities Having Access to Employment Department Information)(1)(e) need access to Employment Department information;


What specific information within the Employment Department information is needed;


Whether access to Employment Department information is granted to contractors, who the contractor is, and why the contractor is being given access; and


What “informed consent” if any, the entity uses when gathering information from its customers.


These audits shall subsequently be submitted to the Employment Department, who shall have final authority to decide compliance with the procedures in OAR 471-010-0125 (Customer Information and Disclosure: Audit Authority and Written Agreements With Entities Having Access to Employment Department Information)(1).

Source: Rule 471-010-0125 — Customer Information and Disclosure: Audit Authority and Written Agreements With Entities Having Access to Employment Department Information, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=471-010-0125.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 471-010-0125’s source at or​.us