OAR 584-230-0080
CTE Industry Work Experience


Candidates for CTE endorsements must complete at least 2000 hours of relevant and documented industry work experience in the requested CTE endorsement area. The industry work experience in the CTE endorsement area may include verified:




Internships; or


Volunteer experience.


Candidates for CTE endorsements that do not have at least 2000 hours of relevant and documented industry work experience in the requested CTE endorsement area may be required to complete a Planned and Coordinated Work Experience. The Planned and Coordinated Work Experience must be:


At least 667 hours of employment, internship, or volunteer experience.


One hour of Planned and Coordinated Work Experience equals three hours of Previous and Documented Work Experience;


Planned and coordinated work experience may be combined with previous and documented industry-related work hours to meet the work experience requirements.


Designed to increase specific business and industry knowledge and skills specifically related to the applicant’s endorsement area;


Prescribed by the Instructor Appraisal Committee; and


Included in the approved CTE Professional Development Plan as provided in OAR 584-230-0070 (CTE Professional Development Plan) CTE Professional Development Plan.


Alternatives to 2000 hours of work experience requirement may include:


The ODE may certify industry work experience pursuant to this rule in lieu of the IAC process and upon request from an applicant for the Restricted CTE Teaching License.


A Commission-approved Oregon educator preparation program may certify work experience pursuant to this rule for pre-service candidates applying for a Preliminary Teaching License with a CTE endorsement as provided in OAR 584-230-0050 (CTE Endorsements) CTE Endorsements.

Source: Rule 584-230-0080 — CTE Industry Work Experience, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-230-0080’s source at