OAR 584-230-0100


The Instructor Appraisal Committee (IAC) may recommend to the ODE a waiver of the industry work experience or the associate degree requirements for the Restricted CTE Teaching License. The waiver recommendation must include:


The academic preparation of the applicant that justifies the waiver of the associate’s degree requirement;


The industry work experience or training of the applicant that justifies the waiver of the industry work experience requirement; and


A signed copy of the CTE Professional Development Plan, including any relevant IAC recommendations.


An approved waiver must be signed and dated within ninety (90) days from the date of application to ODE and must be submitted to the TSPC as part of the application for the Restricted CTE Teaching License. The Chair of the IAC, an ODE Regional Coordinator or an ODE specialist are authorized to sign the waiver.


The IAC recommendation for waiver is advisory only and may be denied by the ODE.

Source: Rule 584-230-0100 — Waivers, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-230-0100’s source at