OAR 584-420-0050
Preliminary CTE License: Program Standards


Candidates who are prepared for the Preliminary Career and Technical Education (CTE) Teaching License will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, professional dispositions, and cultural competencies necessary to promote the academic, career, personal, and social development of pre-kindergarten to grade 12 students within the endorsement area(s) on the license.
(2) The following providers are eligible to offer Commission-approved Preliminary CTE Teaching License programs:
(a) Oregon Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs);
(b) Oregon education service districts;
(c) Oregon school districts;
(d) Oregon community colleges; and
(e) Oregon technical colleges.


The Commission may provide approval to a Preliminary CTE Teaching License program only if it includes:


Content that will enable candidates to gain the knowledge, skills, abilities, professional dispositions, and cultural competencies to meet the standards set forth in this rule and the TSPC Program Review and Standards Handbook; and


Integration of principles of cultural competency and equitable practice in each competency standard through the entire Preliminary CTE Teaching License program.


Standard 1: Oregon CTE and education goals: Candidates demonstrate the ability to apply and integrate the Oregon prekindergarten through grade 12 educational standards and goals and to understand the relation of the standards and goals to Career and Technical Education programs.
(5) Standard 2: Learning environments: Candidates demonstrate the ability to create and sustain safe learning environments that prepare diverse students for the workplace, advanced training, and continued education.
(6) Standard 3: Student characteristics: Candidates demonstrate the ability to identify the diverse needs of students and implement programs and strategies that promote student competency development and success. Candidates understand and demonstrate the ability to implement culturally responsive practices, including responsiveness to the instructional needs of:
(a) Students from under-represented communities;
(b) Students from all socio-economic situations; and
(c) Students that require special education services.
(7) Standard 4: Human development: Candidates demonstrate knowledge of the stages of human development as it relates to adolescent and older children;


Standard 5: Assessment: Candidates understand and demonstrate the ability to use multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teachers’ and learners’ decision making.


Standard 6: Curriculum: Candidates demonstrate the ability to plan instruction that supports every student to meet rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills and pedagogy, as well as learners and the community context.


Standard 7: Instructional strategies: Candidates understand and demonstrate the ability to use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
(11) Standard 8: Personal and professional attributes: Candidates demonstrate the ability to model personal and professional attributes and leadership skills that reflect productive life and work roles.
(12) Standard 9: Partnerships: Candidates demonstrate the ability to implement and maintain collaborative partnerships with students, colleagues, community, business, industry, and families, including related CTE extra-curricular activities and programs.
(13) Standard 10: Law: Candidates demonstrate knowledge of school law and educational policy.


Standard 11: Issues of abuse: Candidates demonstrate knowledge of issues related to abuse, including the identification of physical, emotional, sexual, and substance abuse, information on the impact of abuse on the behavior and learning abilities of students, and discussion of the responsibilities of a teacher to report abuse or provide assistance to students who are the victims of abuse.

Source: Rule 584-420-0050 — Preliminary CTE License: Program Standards, .

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Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-420-0050’s source at