OAR 589-002-0130
Commission Strategic Fund

The Commission may establish a strategic fund.


There are two basic categories for these funds: incentivized statewide initiatives and activities, and requests from individual districts for assistance in meeting new requirements and expectations stemming from legislative change.


The Director will use a committee of stakeholders and department staff to determine overall priorities for funding that considers the Commission’s work plan and initiatives.


Strategic funds provided to incentivize statewide activities or assist community colleges in meeting legislative expectations are provided only for the biennium in which funding is approved. Strategic Funds allocated for either purpose will not be considered in the distribution of funds through the formula described in Section 6 of 589-002-0110 (Definitions) for the current biennium or future biennia.


Any unused monies remaining in the current biennium’s strategic fund will be allocated through the formula described in Section 6 of 589-002-0110 (Definitions) at the end of the biennium.


The Director will review, rank and approve proposals to incentivize statewide activities. After each proposal is approved, the Director will provide the Commission with a report detailing the purpose of the activity, the amount of strategic fund monies approved, and the proposal’s merit as assessed under the following parameters:


Purpose of the proposal.


How the activity supports the initiatives and work plans of the Office and the Commission.


How the activity relates to the Commission’s Key Performance Measures or other program-specific measures.


If the funding one time (for this biennium) or will additional funding be needed in the future.


If future funding is needed, how resources will be obtained and how the activity will be sustainable?


The activity’s impact on the state three years from now and five years from now.


Anticipated changes.


How progress will be measured.


The Office will bring all requests for assistance in meeting new requirements or expectations stemming from legislative change to the Commission for discussion and consideration.


The Office will assess the requests for assistance in meeting new requirements or expectations of the legislature based on the following parameters:


Purpose of the proposal.


How funds will be used to sustain or increase enrollment (not supplanting existing funds).


If the funding is one time (for this biennium) or if additional funding will be needed in the future.


If future funding is needed, how those resources will be obtained and how the activity is sustainable.


The impact on the community college three years from now and five years from now.


How progress will be measured.


The Office will provide a recommendation and reasoning to the Commission on whether the request merits funding.

Source: Rule 589-002-0130 — Commission Strategic Fund, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-002-0130’s source at