OAR 589-002-0500
Contracts with Agencies, Organizations, and Industries for Which State Reimbursement is Requested


For the purposes of this rule, the following definitions apply:


“Contract” is defined as an agreement between a community college and an agency, organization, individual, or industry to provide educational services, unless these services are prohibited by the Director or state statute;


“General fund revenue account” is defined as that account which includes all revenues related to the college’s basic educational objectives. All revenues not included in some other specific fund accounts are included in the general fund revenue account. All revenues associated with the generation of reimbursable full-time equivalent students are included in the general fund revenue account;


“Special revenue account” is defined as a fund used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments, expendable trusts, or for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes, including revenues from specific projects, grants, contracted out-of-district programs, restricted federal projects, and other contracts for designated purposes;


General education purposes" is defined as those purposes directly associated with the college’s basic educational objectives.


When community colleges provide educational services through contracts with agencies, organizations, or industries for their clients and employees, the colleges are entitled to compensation for reimbursable costs as defined by the Office and these rules. The community colleges are responsible for maintaining records that justify their requests for reimbursement from the Office.


Full-time equivalent (FTE) attributable to contracts which are accounted for in a college’s general fund revenue account can be added to a college’s reimbursable full-time equivalent (RFTE) base and are subject to the reimbursement formula in OAR 589-002-0100 (Community College Support Fund Distribution). Any funds received under the contract from the contracting agency, business, or industry are to be placed into the college’s general fund revenue account, or into the college’s special revenue account with the Director’s approval and must be used for general education purposes.

Source: Rule 589-002-0500 — Contracts with Agencies, Organizations, and Industries for Which State Reimbursement is Requested, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-002-0500’s source at