OAR 589-002-0300
Advanced Payment to Newly Created Community College District or Service District

A newly created community college district, or community college service district, shall be assigned by the Commission a base allocation level for its initial year of operation, based on the projected budget requirements as set in the feasibility study approved by the Commission. Payments to the new district for its initial year shall be based on the assigned base allocation. From operating funds available to the new district, the Director may advance reasonable sums for organizational expenses. Such an advance may be made only after the new district has formally adopted a budget. An advance will not serve to increase eligibility for state operating funds; it is a partial payment of the sum due the new district from its assigned base allocation in its initial year of operation.

Source: Rule 589-002-0300 — Advanced Payment to Newly Created Community College District or Service District, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-002-0300’s source at