OAR 589-007-0120
Apprenticeship Related Training Instruction


Community colleges will enroll apprentices in apprenticeship related training courses utilizing the college registration procedures used for other students and student groups.


Apprentices enrolled for community college apprenticeship related training courses will be community college students and will have access to the same college services and facilities as other similarly enrolled students.


Community college tuition and applicable fees for apprenticeship related training courses will be set by the local community college in the same manner as tuition is set for other college offerings.


Community colleges will obtain necessary authorization from registered apprentices to provide class lists, grades, and progress and related training attendance records to the local joint committee on request.


To assist the local joint committee, community colleges will maintain and provide class lists, academic progress records, and related training attendance records for all registered apprentices enrolled in apprenticeship related training courses, when appropriate authorization has been obtained from the registered apprentice.


Registered apprentices that are enrolled in credit course work toward the achievement of community college certificate of completion or associate degree programs may be eligible for financial aid if they meet the college’s financial aid guidelines.


The awarding of community college academic credit for apprenticeship related training toward associate degrees and certificates of completion will be determined by the local community college based on the local, the Office, and Commission policies and procedures. Local policies and procedures will assure that an established standard of academic achievement has been met for all apprenticeship related training courses accepted toward college awards.


Community colleges will utilize the Professional Technical Course Approval Procedures as identified by the Department for the approval of apprenticeship related training courses.

Source: Rule 589-007-0120 — Apprenticeship Related Training Instruction, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-007-0120’s source at