OAR 589-007-0400
General Educational Development Program and Certificates of High School Equivalency


The General Educational Development (GED) 2014 test series are a measure of high school equivalency and include the following areas:


Reasoning through language arts;


Social studies;




Mathematical reasoning.


All GED test applicants except those confined to Oregon correctional or health institutions must take the GED test at an official GED testing center or an approved military testing center..


Oregon residency is not required to take the GED tests in Oregon. The applicant must have valid state or government issued photo identification.


Local GED examiners shall be approved by the facility authorized by Pearson Vue to provide testing services and official GED testing centers will be approved by GED Testing Service (GEDTS) in consultation with the GED administrator when the following have been documented:


Need for a new testing site in a specific region or location;


Willingness of center personnel to meet all testing center requirements described in the GED Examiner’s Manual published by GEDTS of the America Council on Education.


The annual contract between local testing centers, the Office and the GEDTS shall provide assurances that all state and national requirements shall be met. Failure to meet requirements may result in center closure.


Requirements for a Certificate of Equivalency include:


That, except as provided below, the applicant must be 18 years of age to take the GED tests:


An applicant who is at least 16 years of age, but not yet 18 years of age, may take the GED tests under the following circumstances:
The local school district must certify to authorized Oregon GED lead staff that the applicant is exempt from compulsory school attendance for reasons cited in ORS 339.030 (Exemptions from compulsory school attendance)(5), 339.250 (Duty of student to comply with rules)(6) and OAR 581-021-0070 (Expulsion), 581-021-0071 (District Information for Parents and Students Regarding the Availability of Alternative Education Programs), and 581-021-0076 (Exemption from Compulsory Attendance), and has secured the permission of his or her parent or legal guardian; or
The Education Service District must certify to authorized Oregon GED lead staff that the applicant is exempt from compulsory school attendance for reasons cited in ORS 339.030 (Exemptions from compulsory school attendance)(3); or
The applicant is enrolled in an approved Option Program for In School Youth as cited in OAR 581-022-1350.


Because ORS 109.510 (Age of majority) and 109.520 (Majority of married persons) state that persons are deemed to reach majority upon marriage and because GEDTS policy states that persons must be 16 years of age to take the GED Tests (Examiner’s Manual), an applicant that is married is eligible to take the GED tests at the age of 16 without an exemption from compulsory attendance.


The Director may, under special and extraordinary circumstances, waive certification requirements in subparagraph (6)(A)(i), (ii) or (iii) of this rule.


The GED lead staff shall ensure that the applicant is advised of:


Locally available practice testing and preparation opportunities;


Policies, including limitations on retesting procedures;


The special GED scores that are required by apprenticeship and some postsecondary educational programs.


To obtain the Certificate of Equivalency, an applicant must achieve a minimum standard score set by GEDTS and the Commission.


Previous high school enrollment is not required for an applicant to be eligible to receive a Certificate of Equivalency.


Certificate application:


The individual who passes the tests may request for a first free copy of their GED certificate and transcript through a third party vender the State of Oregon is using at the time. A fee will be charged to the GED candidate for additional copies of the GED transcript and certificate.


Test scores are accepted as official only when reported directly by official GED agencies, the United States Armed Forces Institute, directors of Veterans Administration hospitals, and in special cases by the GEDTS;


Testing centers shall comply with the requirements of the testing program by refusing to administer tests to those who have not reached the age of 18 unless permitted by this rule.


By authorization of the Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials, the Office oversees GED tests to individuals confined to state correctional and health institutions.


Upon the recommendation of the Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education, the following provisions apply to GED testing of members of the Job Corps stationed in Oregon:


Civilian-restricted forms of the GED test can be administered to Job Corps trainees who have been determined to be eligible by the educational director of the Job Corps Training Center;


Testing will be conducted at official GED agencies, and the usual testing fee will be charged;


Persons taking the test must be at least 18 years of age unless the applicant meets requirements in subparagraph (6) (A)(i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of this rule.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 589-007-0400 — General Educational Development Program and Certificates of High School Equivalency, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=589-007-0400.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-007-0400’s source at