OAR 589-007-0600
Adult High School Diploma Program

The purpose of the Adult High School Diploma program is to provide an opportunity for persons with an exemption from compulsory attendance to earn an Oregon diploma.


Definitions. As used in this rule:


“Adult High School Diploma” or “AHSD” means a diploma that fulfills all state requirements as provided in OAR 581-022-2000 (Diploma Requirements) and the community college program requirements as defined in the approved program plan, and is issued by a community college with an approved program plan on file at the Office of Community College and Workforce Development.


“Adult high school diploma credit” means credit earned by the student prior to enrolling in or earned outside of the AHSD program for academic coursework, as well as credit awarded by the community college for proficiency and life experience, but does not include credit awarded for challenge tests.


“Adult high school diploma academic credit” means credit earned by the student at the community college for academic coursework, from either secondary level or community college courses.


The Commission shall oversee the AHSD as provided in ORS 351.768 and ORS 339.505 (Definitions for ORS 339.505 to 339.520)(1) and approve AHSD programs of the community colleges. The Commission delegates administrative responsibilities to the Director to review and make a recommendation to the Commission regarding program approval.


The Office shall administer the statewide AHSD program and establish policies and procedures for the approval and monitoring of AHSD programs.


Community colleges are authorized to award the AHSD subject to Commission approval of the community college AHSD plan, consistent with these rules, and consistent with administrative policies and procedures of the Office.


To be eligible to receive an AHSD, a student shall:


Have an exemption from compulsory attendance as provided in OAR 581-021-0076 (Exemption from Compulsory Attendance) and ORS 339.030 (Exemptions from compulsory school attendance)(2), or otherwise not be required to attend as provided in ORS 339.010 (School attendance required);


Fulfill all state requirements as provided in OAR 581-022-2000 (Diploma Requirements) or other rules establishing minimum requirements for an Oregon diploma;


Earn at least one adult high school diploma academic credit from a community college with an approved program; and


Fulfill all program requirements as described in the approved community college AHSD program plan.


A community college shall adopt policies and procedures for the approval of the AHSD program plan. These policies and procedures shall provide that:


Before the community college may award an AHSD, the college shall have an approved program plan on file at the Office. The plan shall be approved by the local community college board of education prior to being filed for review with the Office and recommendation for approval by the Director. The community college shall submit the plan to the Office on a date and in a format described in guidance documents provided by the Office.


The filing process shall be complete when the Commission has approved the plan and the community college has received a letter of authorization from the Office.


The plan must include but is not limited to:


The statement of assurances described in guidance documents provided by the Office; and


A description of the following:
Program mission and goals;
Admission requirements;
Student orientation and advising;
Maintenance of student records;
Services for students with disabilities;
Student assessment and completion criteria;
Course offerings;
Personalized learning;
Awarding adult high school diploma credit;
Minimum credit requirement;
Other community college or program requirements; and
Recognition of student achievement.


Once a plan is approved by the Commission, monitoring and evaluation of the approved plan is by the Office through the Director, pursuant to standards and rules of the Commission. Monitoring and evaluation shall include annual reporting by the community college with such information as the Office may require.


A community college shall adopt policies and procedures for the annual update of the AHSD program plan. These policies and procedures shall provide that:


The program shall submit annually the signed statement of assurances as required by the Office.


The program shall submit annually a plan update and statistical reports as required by the Office.


The program shall participate in ongoing program monitoring and evaluation as required by the Office.


All community colleges are presumed to maintain an approved AHSD program unless the college has been found to be deficient by the Director, pursuant to the AHSD plan requirements.


If any deficiency is not corrected before the beginning of the program year following the date of the finding of deficiency and if an extension has not been granted under section (11), the Director may recommend to the Commission that AHSD program approval be rescinded until any such deficiency is corrected unless the recommendation would create an undue hardship, as determined pursuant to rules of the Commission.


The Director must submit notification to a community college regarding a deficiency that will require the community college to submit a corrective action plan and a staff member of the Office staff shall contact the community college and offer technical assistance.


Within 90 days of the finding of deficiency, a community college shall submit a corrective action plan acceptable to the Commissioner for meeting AHSD plan requirements.


When an acceptable plan for meeting AHSD plan requirements has been submitted, the Director may allow an extension of time before recommending program approval be rescinded, not to exceed 12 months, if the Director determines that any such deficiency cannot be corrected or removed before the beginning of the next program year.


Pursuant to rules adopted by the Commission, the Director may extend the time specified for submitting a corrective action plan if the Director determines that a human-created disaster or a natural disaster affects the ability of the community college to comply with the date requirement.


The Commission may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew its approval of an AHSD program if:


The community college fails to maintain the requirements in OAR 581-022-2000 (Diploma Requirements);


The community college fails to maintain the requirements in OAR 589-007-0600 (Adult High School Diploma Program); or


The community college refuses to implement corrective actions before the beginning of the next program year or by the end of the granted extension period.


A community college may request to terminate its AHSD program by submitting a letter of termination from the community college board.


Program suspension or termination begins on the date that:


The Commission suspends, revokes, or refuses to renew its approval of an AHSD program; or


The college designates as the final operating date in its letter of termination.


Suspended or terminated programs requesting re-approval are required to utilize the AHSD Program Approval Procedure identified by the Office.

Source: Rule 589-007-0600 — Adult High School Diploma Program, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

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