OAR 589-007-0700
National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Program


The purpose of the National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC) program is to prepare Oregonians for the workplace and for college as a part of implementing an integrated workforce delivery system that focuses on developing the skills and talents of Oregonians. The NCRC in Oregon provides individuals with documented, transportable, skills-based certificates.


The Office shall administer the statewide program for the National Career Readiness Certificate called for in ORS 660.343 (Oregon National Career Readiness Certification Program) , and establish a policy and procedures for:


Initial skills review assessments to identify participant’s skill levels;


Targeted instruction and remedial skill-building for participants;


Foundational skills assessments for participants;


Training of staff to administer assessments based on established guidelines;


Delivery site criteria and validation of these criteria;


Quality assurance processes;


Development of systems to collect, track and maintain data;


Participant’s eligibility criteria. Eligible program participants:


Must be a citizen or national of the United States, lawfully admitted permanent resident alien, refugee, asylee, or parolee, or other immigrant authorized by the Attorney General to work in the United States;


Must be a resident of Oregon or an employee of businesses located in Oregon;


Must comply with NCRC assessment-taking procedures and requirements as outlined in American College Testing (ACT) test coordinator manual and directions for administration.


Must meet any additional eligibility requirements as dictated by the funding source(s) used to administer, implement, or support the NCRC program.


Services provided by the NCRC program shall include, but are not limited to:


An assessment process that includes an initial skills review and a foundational skills assessment of examinees in reading for information, applied mathematics, and locating information at a minimum;


Targeted and accelerated instruction and remedial skills training to increase foundational skills for participants as determined by the assessment process;


Issuance of a National Career Readiness Certificate to any eligible individual who earns a minimum score of a 3 on each of the NCRC assessments for reading for information, applied mathematics, and locating information:


Certificates issued to examinees on successful completion of the assessments must describe the skills demonstrated by the examinee as evidence of the individual’s readiness for employment;


Each of the NCRC assessments shall be scored on a scale of three and above. The level of credential examinees receive is based on the following:
A bronze-level certificate requires a minimum score of three or above on each of the assessments.
A silver-level certificate requires a minimum score of four or above on each of the assessments.
A gold-level certificate requires a minimum score of five or above on each of the assessments.
A platinum-level certificate requires a minimum score of six or above on each of the assessments.


The results of NCRC assessments must be used, at a minimum, to determine a participant’s career readiness as determined by general skills requirements and job profiles, and to determine additional instructional needs for the participant in reading, locating information, and applied mathematics, or other assessments needed or required.


Participants may opt out of the NCRC database by informing the Agency in writing, by mail, and with examinee’s signature that he or she wants to opt out of the database.


The Office shall conduct periodic studies of the assessments used in Oregon to document Essential Skill for high school graduation to compare their effectiveness in preparing graduates for successful transition to post-secondary education and the workplace.

Source: Rule 589-007-0700 — National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Program, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-007-0700’s source at