OAR 603-024-0584
Sediment Test
If upon examination the Department or grader shall obtain a sediment test which is in excess of a No. 2 sediment standard, the Department shall give the licensee a written notice of such fact. An additional sample shall be taken after an interval of not less than three days and if the test of the additional sample is also in violation of the sediment standard of the licensed grade then held, the licensee shall be given a written notice to suspend the sale, exposure, or offering for sale of such grade of milk for a specified period, or until such time that another test of the milk shall show the sediment content within the standard for the licensed grade.(2)
Milk or cream showing a sediment test in excess of a No. 3 sediment standard is deemed to be unlawful milk and the grader shall immediately affix to the container thereof a condemnation tag, which shall be in such form as the Department may prescribe, and in addition thoroughly mix with that milk such harmless red food coloring matter as will prevent the same from being sold, offered, or exposed for sale for human consumption in accordance with ORS 621.085.
Rule 603-024-0584 — Sediment Test, https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action?ruleNumber=603-024-0584