OAR 603-027-0690
Placed in Service Report

The Measurement Standards Division shall make available to each Service Agency report forms to be known as “Placed in Service Reports.” A Serviceperson or a serviceperson representing a Service Agency shall sign such a form and execute it in triplicate for each rejected device restored to service and for each newly installed device placed in service. Properly completed rejection tag(s) shall suffice in lieu of a Placed in Service Report for device(s) restored to service following official rejection. Within 24 hours after a device is restored to service, or placed in service, the original of the properly executed Placed in Service Report or any completed official rejection tag removed from the device, shall be mailed to the Measurement Standards Division, 635 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon, 97301-2532. The duplicate copy of the report shall be handed to or mailed to the owner or operator of the device, and the triplicate copy of the report shall be retained by the Serviceperson or Agency.

Source: Rule 603-027-0690 — Placed in Service Report, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=603-027-0690.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 603-027-0690’s source at or​.us